The world famous musician and the jazz composer for the first time arrived to Nizhny Novgorod
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will pass today unique jam-seyshen In the downtown. Everyone can meet creativity of the world famous musician Blank Christian. To Russian Federation it arrived to the fourth time and for the first time — to Nizhny Novgorod.

Christian Blank
Blank Christian

— Is the surprising musician — the art director of the Rekord center Shakirsky Oleg told the correspondent of local portal "NN.RU". — To listen to it to Faroe Islands (there he plays in grottoes) gather not only ordinary fans of the jazz about only Europe, but also the queen Denmark, and "all European nobility". We arrange such "preconcert" with free entrance. Such action will take place in "Record" for the first time.


that in jam-seyshene the Nizhny Novgorod musicians will participate is interesting to br also and it was offered by the jazz maestro.

concert Beginning at 19:00.

Having arrived to live, write, play and work for Faroe Islands in 1974 from the Danish Fredericia, Blank Christian Blak became the main character in formation of shape of modern Faroese music and culture.

He plays br on a piano and very fancifully sings, the author of numerous classical works: from chamber music to symphonies, from operas to the ballet. Considerable part of musical searches devotes to ethnic music, the jazz and even fate.