Deputies decided to write out to themselves awards

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Deputies TAMBOV CITY CITY COUNCIL OF THE TAMBOV REGION at the next meeting made today the decision on single awards to the persons replacing separate municipal positions in Tambov. In the list six people: chairman TAMBOV CITY CITY COUNCIL OF THE TAMBOV REGION Putintsev Victor, first deputy chairman of municipal duma Marina Podgornova, chairman of committee on budget and municipal property of the Duma Sergeev Sergei, chapter Tambov Chebotarev Sergei, and also chairmen of Control Audit Chamber and city electoral commission.
to These persons it is planned to pay an award at a rate of two monthly rewards, except for the head of electoral commission who will get one award. For example, to the chairman of the Duma will pay nearly 200 thousand rubles.

the Deputy of City Council Aleksandrov Artem Aleksandrovich rigidly scarified this offer, having noted that in the conditions of extreme deficiency city budgets similar awarding of municipal employees is inadmissible luxury. In response to it the deputy Aleksey Alekseevich Vlaskin declared that salaries the highest officials Tambov and are so low, demand revision towards increase.

the Chairman of committee on local government Gennady Ilyich Berstenev who introduced the draft decision on awarding, accused Aleksandrov Artem Aleksandrovich of a self-praise. "You, Aleksandrov Artem Aleksandrovich, probably, are engaged in a self-praise, speaking about all this. All of us perfectly know your courses, it is indecent and even it is dishonourable" — Gennady Ilyich Berstenev concluded.
as a result by a majority vote the draft decision on awarding was approved by br. Against it Aleksandrov Artem Aleksandrovich voted only.