ACRE confirmed a credit rating Banks with NKTs at the level of AAA

@Moskovskaja Birzha
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the Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA) confirmed a credit rating Banks with NKTs at the level of AAA (RU), the forecast "Stable", is spoken in the message of the ACRE , published on October 24, 2017 on the website of rating agency.

In the report of the ACRE it is noted by

that the credit rating Banks NKTs is caused by a strong and steady business profile, an exclusive position on liquidity and a stock of sufficiency of the capital which compensates risk profile of the organization. Additional support to a rating is given by the critical system importance Banks to NKTs in the Russian financial market.

of the ACRE NKTs notes introduced and realized in Bank high standards of corporate governance and the risk management allowing it to carry out activity with a minimum level of accepted risks concerning scale of operations. Thus, according to the ACRE, Banks NKTs on the non-bank credit organization will not lead change of the status planned until the end of 2017 to decrease in level of own solvency, thus quality regulatory controls will be kept. The "stable" forecast assumes with the highest share of probability a rating invariance on the horizon of 12-18 months.

the Chairman of the board Banks NKTs Aleksey Khavin noted

:" Repeated assignment of NKTs of the highest step of a credit rating by ACRE agency is the independent and qualified recognition of our constant efforts directed on improvement of system risk management of our organization which plays one of key roles – the central contractor in the Russian financial market. For us this additional confirmation of that we constructed the correct model of risk management and clearings which are in continuous development, incorporating the best international practicians and giving additional comfort to our clients - participants clearings and confidence of the maximum reliability of market infrastructure".

For the first time credit score of the ACRE was assigned to Bank by NKTs on October 31, 2016. Bank NKTs also has the Fitch Ratings agency ratings, two of which - a long-term rating of risk defaults issuers (RDE) in national currency at the VVV level and the rating of stability of "bbb" - is one point higher than a sovereign rating Russian Federation ("VVV-").

For the reference:

JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK SCIENTIFIC AND COMMERCIAL CENTER", entering Moscow Exchange Group, is founded in May, 2006, carries out clearing activity and carries out functions of the central contractor in the Russian financial market.

Since November, 2009 Bank NKTs is the member of the European Association of clearing houses - the central contractors (EACH), since September, 2011 – the member of the World Association of the central contractors – CCP12.<"23>"

Own means Banks NKTs for October 1, 2017 made 58,2 billion rubles.

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Aleksey Khavin
Last position: The board member – the Managing director for international cooperation and global markets (PJSC Moscow Exchange)