In Tyva Republic prosecutor's office the area revealed violations at implementation of purchases goods at only things of the supplier

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Prosecutor's office Mongun-Tayginsky district Tyva Republic are checked by

at only things of the supplier.


It is established that in defiance of requirements of articles 24, 59, point of 5 parts of 1 Art. 93 Federal laws of April 5, 2013 Law "About Contract System in the Sphere of Purchases of Goods, Works, Services for Ensuring the State and Municipal Needs" the manager of municipal preschool budgetary educational institution "Kindergarten No. 2 "Chechek" of Mugur-Aksa's village without carrying out auctions is concluded with LLC "TGRK" contract deliveries coal for 489 thousand 157 rubles.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 5 "Hamnaarak" of Mugur-Aksa's village purchasing activity was carried out by

with violations Law "About Purchases of Goods, Works, Services by Separate Types of Legal Entities".

the Provision on purchases this autonomous establishment is not published by

on the official website of www. Yedinaya informatsionnaya sistema v sfere zakupok. The manager of this kindergarten allowed cases of implementation of purchases at only things of the supplier without the Provision on purchases for the sums, each of which exceeded hundred thousand rubles.

So, on June 26, 2017 between establishment and LLC "TGRK" signed contract deliveries coal for the sum of 358 thousand 382 rubles, and on July 5, 2017 – contract transportations of firm fuel with the individual entrepreneur for the sum about 295 thousand rubles.

Due to the revealed violations to the head of department educations administrations Mongun-Tayginsky district are brought by

representation. The performance of a document of the public prosecutor's is on control the prosecutor of the area.

Division: prosecutor's office Mongun-Tayginsky district.