Brands were tired from haypa round Big Data
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"Big Data died and predictive marketing is well "! " and "Down with cheap Programmatic, you give a qualitative traffic! " – the founder of the OTM Lazarev Dimitri sums up the results of the largest European exhibitions and conferences on questions of digital marketing of Dmexco ’2017, passed in September in Cologne.

Where there are Big Data

Lazarev Dimitri, OTM advertizing group SEO:

the Last five years ours company annually sends to

to Dmexco small delegation. Some people go to communicate to colleagues, to listen to presentations of leaders of the market and to get acquainted with perspective startups – it is necessary to be aware of recent trends in Internet business. The first that this year was evident in the first day of exhibitions – from performances and presentations the term Big Data practically began to disappear. It was evident at once as the last four years everyone used this phrase utory acting on Dmexco.

Victorious procession of Big Data according to the Dmexco program began

in the 2013th. At first there were many detailed presentations which technologies aggregations and storages of large volumes of data in details understood. Then acting began to speak about various aspects of use of Big Data, telling about features of the DMP platforms (English Data Management Platform) and the software for storage and segmentation of big data files. Last year it was noticeable that though the subject continues to remain fashionable and many on a habit continue to swing the term Big Data in the reports, but two of these words became a platitude, the subject which importance all perfectly understand, but attention on it do not focus, mentioning as something self-evident.

Google Inc. Trends, statistics of search queries, from 01.01.2004 till 20.10.2017

Terminological shift this year as it becomes clear, happened not incidentally. It is clear that representatives of technological campaigns are ready to tell about the platforms and software solutions indefinitely. There would be in a hall an attentive listener. But the matter is that it is not present more – advertisers were tired from long-term haypa round Big Data. For last four years even the laziest brands were learned by date terminology, already year - this knowledge into practice tries to put another and even more often reflects on efficiency of use of Big Data in the advertizing and marketing activity.

Result of reconsideration of a place of Big Data in marketing became emergence of the new term which reflects increase in demand for effective use of the saved-up data files. In the performances speakers even more often tell about technologies works with Big Data as parts of predictive or predictive marketing (English predictive marketing). According to representatives of the technological companies and the largest advertisers, it is a question of focus shift in work with Big Data. If still it was a question of creation of databases, storage and classification of information received from different sources, now when similar storages are created, for many brands there was obvious a senselessness of warehousing of data as those. Storage of large volumes of information costs big money and does not acquit itself if the brand is not able to process it and to use for increase of efficiency of sales.

Communicating with developers of advertizing platforms, we constantly heard from them that the analysis and creation of working predictive models on the basis of collected data is the main inquiry which they receive from advertisers and media agencies. For brands it is necessary predictive analysts (English predictive analytics) by means of which they would like to count the main patterns of consumer behavior of the target audiences and then proceeding from them to plan the marketing activity. Large advertisers intend to continue optimization of the advertizing budgets due to reduction of expenses for irrelevant communication with those consumers who are not interesting to a brand. If to speak about the technological decisions connected with the predictive analysis of Big Data, in platforms offered in the market information processing speed is appreciated: existence of the tools allowing as soon as possible to introduce modifications to recalculate and rule already started campaigns.

Who will be responsible for transparency of data


with the Second subject to which this year on Dmexco any conversation on efficiency was reduced, there was a roguish or frodovy traffic (English fraud). The latest juicy scandals connected with a price markup of a traffic at realization of the programmatic buying models have an effect. Until recently experts of the market in eager rivalry told advertisers that, buying a traffic within this model, brands have an opportunity, without overpaying for a bonus traffic, to capture the same audience on Internet platforms from an economy segment.


in the presentation in detail stopped that company strongly reduced the budgets allocated for pro-grammatical purchases. The largest transnational advertiser of such level for the first time openly, on public argued with the thesis of the advertizing and technological companies (English AdTech), still claiming that coverage of users is much more important today than a source of an advertizing traffic.

as a result company considerably reduced the list of Internet platforms in which traffic it is ready to place the advertizing. In number of reliable Procter%26Gamble included first of all bonus sources of a traffic. Claims of the advertiser to other Internet publishers are simple, but with them it is difficult to argue: at placement on pro-grammatical model on cheap platforms it is extremely difficult to provide so-called reputation safety (English Brand Safety) and to protect brands of companies from mentions in an adverse context. Nobody gives also guarantees of that the bought advertizing stock will not be placed on a roguish traffic.

Integration with vendors and technical supervision by the third party (English Third Party Verification) – one more subject which was lifted by Procter%26Gamble. Visibility verification (English Viewability) an advertizing format independent vendor it becomes prompt almost obligatory service which the advertiser demands from a seller of Internet advertizing or a platform. According to Procter%26Gamble, the market ripened before to make verification by an obligatory position in the list of services which advertizing platforms provide to brands and media agencies.

Concern of advertisers about growth of a roguish traffic is quite explainable. According to the American organization Association of National Advertisers, in 2015 brands spent for purchase such traffic of $7,2 billion, and last year the indicator grew to $10 billion. Company counted broadcasting company "CNBC" (English non-human traffic). In this situation the price in 5-10% of the cost of one thousand displays which traffic verification costs today to advertisers to United States of America ($0,1-2 for CPM), do not look too high. Especially in comparison with the Russian Internet market where the prices of verification were not created yet because brands and media agencies are not ready to pay for verification on a constant basis and order this service only for separate campaigns.

Dmitry Alekseevich Lazarev
Main activity:Science and education
Big Data