Drivers public transports told the city authorities about the most problem sites on streets Krasnodar

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the Working meeting with participation of drivers of KTTU, the management of traffic polices and transport department and the traffic organizations the cities passed through Krasnodar. During communication discussed the most problem sites and measures which will allow to improve a situation.

— the priority Organization for movement public transports — not only a strategic task. Decisions need to be made in an operational mode, and and transport department to hold such meetings with participation of drivers, traffic polices regularly. The opinion of drivers of trams, trolleybuses and buses which meet every day difficulties on a route, here is the extremely important — Evgeny Pervyshov told.

administrations participated In a meeting Anfinogenov Vladimir, the acting director MUNICIPAL UNITARY ENTERPRISE "KTTU" Frolov Gennady the chief of office of road supervision of OGIBDD of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation across Krasnodar Alexander Kuznetsov, the deputy director of department of transport and the traffic organizations .

Drivers of the enterprise designated the most problem intersections. In particular, it crossings of Severnaya St. and Communards, 40-letiya Pobedy St. and Moscow, st. Officer and Rostovskoye Highway, Stavropolskaya St. and Old Kuban, Tramvaynaya St. and of Machugi, Severnaya St. and Red, Severnaya St. and October, st. of. Dzerzhinsky and Stakhanov.

thus told not only about problems, but also proposed possible solutions. Somewhere — to increase a green phase of the traffic light, at certain intersections — to make changes in part of the admission in a priority mode turning transports. For example, it is actual for the intersection of Severnaya St. and Red, where the left turn on Krasnaya St. towards Avrora movie theater — problem for public transports. It is also necessary to continue work on allocation of strips for movement public transports.

At the most problem intersections, according to drivers of trams, need continuous watch of staff of traffic police. First of all, for journey regulation not to allow blocking by motor transport of tram ways. And if on Kommunarov St. and Severnaya St. crossing the patrol is necessary from 16:00 till 19:00 in rush hour, crossing of 40-letiya Pobedy St. and Moskovskaya St. demands watch of police officers all day from 7:00 till 19:00.
Drivers of trams also noted that the help of police officers is necessary for the fastest registration of road accidents if they happen on ways or to tram participation. Otherwise it leads to so-called "reniform" movement of all routes when the schedule and frequency of work break. On the average now such incidents lead to stops from 30 minutes to hour. In a case with trams it creates very serious problem for normal transportation of passengers.

Employees of KTTU also designated a problem of an overload of stopping pavilions. Because through separate stops passes a large number of routes municipal transports and private carriers to stop for disembarkation of passengers so that not to violate the rule, it is almost impossible. Regularly it provokes stoppers on disembarkation landing. One more problem — a long stop of drivers of personal cars and a taxi on stopping complexes.

Drivers of trams and trolleybuses told

about a problem when along ways in so-called "movement dimensions" transport inaccurately parks. In this case passenger transport cannot pass because of opportunity "to hook" on the parked cars. Among problem intersections where it is necessary to take measures — Kommunarov St. (the even party) between Komsomolskaya St. and Mira St., st. of Gorky (the odd party) between Krasnoarmeyskaya St. and Krasnaya St., Moskovskaya St. knot — Ostrovsky St. — Krasnykh Zor St. Among possible decisions — installation of special protections which will prevent possibility of a parking transports "very tightly" with ways.

the List of problems and actions which offered, proceeding from the current situation, drivers Tram trolleybusnogoupravleniya, made 16 points. Them Eugenie Alekseevich Pervyshov charged to work everything to transport department together with traffic polices. Besides, the mayor gave a task to think over possibility of use of chambers of video fixing automatically to fine violators on stopping pavilions.

the Head of tram and trolleybus management also told that is already created and the interdepartmental task force which in a constant mode traces a situation on roads works.

— In this group — the staff of department of transport, traffic polices, our experts. In an operational mode we solve arising problems, we achieve fast reaction in case of emergencies, we take measures for minimization of jams on roads — Frolov Gennady told.

Eugenie Alekseevich Pervyshov charged to organize such meetings with participation of drivers public transports regularly. The mayor intends to see off them personally.

— important not only to designate problems, but also to look, what decisions for improvement of a situation were made and what result they yielded. At us is as successful decisions, not the very effective. As a positive example when all services fulfilled harmoniously, it is possible to call the traffic organization for the period of Turgenev St. overlapping. It is necessary that such examples were not an exception, and the rule — Eugenie Alekseevich Pervyshov summed up the result of a meeting, the press service of Administration of the municipality the city of Krasnodar reports.