In Chelyabinsk the international forum concerning logistics took place

@MK.RU Cheljabinsk
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on October 19 at the initiative of Fund of social and economic developments "Yevraziyskoye sodruzhestvo", the Southern Ural state university, and also higher education institutions Kazakhstan and Tajikistan was organized the International forum "Sinergizm of logistic strategy of the countries of the Central Asian region: economic prospect against the Euroasian integration".

In welcome speech the president of fund "Yevraziyskoye sodruzhestvo" Katochkov Victor emphasized that "in world practice the tendency of growth of container transportations along intermodal transport corridors which are capable to become a basis of a uniform Euroasian transport network is traced – therefore them development is one of priority problems of the Euroasian integration policy".

Speakers in a complex considered logistic strategy Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan in the conditions of formation of integration schemes. Representatives of the countries of Central Asia, taken part in a forum, were uniform in the approaches to formation of the general logistic policy of the region.

Professor from Karagandy Petrenko Helena in the report noted that Kazakhstan systematically goes to achievement of the strategic objective – using an advantageous geographical position, to become a transit logistic hub for the Central Asian region.

the Transport logistics specialist from the Tajik technical university of Osimi Azimov Pulod indicated the need of creation a trance - the Euroasian logistic platform which forms the key communication highway – "the Euroasian way".

Analyzing interaction of the countries of Central Asia in the conditions of deepening the Euroasian economic integrations, the manager of chair of logistics FGAOU FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "YUURGU (NIU)", SOUTHERN URAL STATE UNIVERSITY Levina Alena and the graduate student from Khujand Dzhumaev Shukhrat agreed in opinion that only coordination of efforts of business communities of the region on creation of safe routes is capable to provide implementation of the international obligations and contracts within Eurasian Economic Union.

Within a forum there took place panel discussion "Logistic innovations against the Euroasian economic prospect youth eyes" in which representatives logistic businesses South Ural and Kazakhstan took part. Moderators of discussion, professor Kuzmenko Julia it is convinced that "in 10–20 years young people who work today at a forum, will realize the sounded ideas. The youth is people, which always in movement, for them the future. Thanks to them, the countries of the Euroasian union will be able to go to broader international integration".

Young businessmen sorted questions of formation of interregional transport and logistic systems of service of freght traffics of the Central Asian republics, and also prospects of developments the market of transport and logistic services in border areas Russian Federation. Experts logisticians designated the main requirements of logistic branch to advancing training for the Euroasian economy, including:

realization joint with the countries of Central Asia projects of training of specialists in the field of transport logistics and regional economy;

the organization of symmetric training of students for studying of transport and logistic specifics and features of warehouse economy of the countries of the region;

development the international student's programs aimed at development of skills of socially focused business, on training of youth Russian Federation and the countries of Central Asia to bases of maintaining businesses.

In the general opinion of participants of a forum, it is important to develop work of club of young economists of Eurasia within the international youth movement "Euroasian Express" as it will promote advance of ideas the Euroasian economic integrations in the youth environment.

as a whole, the Forum became a platform for presentation of logistic potential of scientists and experts businessmen, forecasting of expected economic effect the Euroasian transport and logistic integration, identifications of the actual directions of the Euroasian cooperation.