EU provided to Sudan 106 million euros for natural disaster response

@IA Sin'hua
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Khartoum, 23 October/Xinhua / - EU provided to Sudan 106 million euros for the help to his inhabitants, affected by natural disasters. It was declared on Sunday by the state minister of foreign affairs of the country al Atta - Mannan Baheet.

According to him, the first vice-president and the prime minister Sudan Bakri Hassan Salekh met in Khartoum the commissioner of EU concerning humanitarian assistance and crisis management of Hristos Stilianides.

"At a meeting of the first vice-president with the representative of EU discussed positive development a humanitarian and political situation in Sudan", - A. A. Baheet told to journalists." EU allocated to Sudan 106 million euros for satisfaction of needs of people, affected by natural disasters", - he noted.

Ministry foreign affairs of Republic of Sudan declared that A. A. Baheet met H. Stilianides and told it about development situations in the country. In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that the purpose of visit of the eurocommissioner to Khartoum is a strengthening of cooperation between Sudan and EU in the humanitarian sphere, inspection of projects of EU in Darfur and acquaintance with position of refugees from South Sudan.