daily business newspaper "RBK daily": X5 Retail Group will start bargaining at the Moscow exchange until the end of the year

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The largest in Russian Federation the retailer of X5 Retail Group confirmed the intention to place papers at the Moscow exchange. Now global depository receipts of companies bargain in London. The largest Russian retailer of X5 Retail Group (operates the networks "Intersection", "Pyaterochka", "Roundabout") will place papers at the Moscow exchange until the end of 2017. It was declared by the finance director of group Demyashkevich Svetlana during a call for investors by results of three quarters 2017...
Stephane Dyusharm
Main activity:Official
Demyashkevich Svetlana
Kolbina Maria
X5 Group
Main activity:Retail trade
PJSC Moscow Exchange
Main activity:Printing services
Main activity:Finance