The European university will release Kusheleva-Bezborodko's mansion till November 1

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Higher education institution will temporarily settle down in other building

Saint Petersburg, on October 18 - AIF-Petersburg.

the European university has to release a mansion of Kusheleva-Bezborodko occupied by it till November 1, reports DP.RU with reference to the order KIO. The acting head of department Alexander Semchukov gave the corresponding order.

the Building at higher education institution will be accepted by specially created commission into which officials of Smolny, and also the vice rector and the chief engineer of the European university entered.

Now in a mansion on Gagarinskaya Street some divisions of higher education institution take place.

Earlier Smolny terminated with university the contract about building rent, and the higher education institution had to move to other room temporarily. In Kusheleva-Bezborodko's mansion of the power of Saint Petersburg plan to open IT academy for additional educations school students.