Piganovo and Verizino remain for a long time "vyselka"

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told Deputies of the City Council about problems of construction of the residential districts

V June, 2015 nowadays arrested vice governor Khvostov Dimitri presented to journalists projects on construction of two Vladimir residential districts – Piganovo and Verizino-2. Low-storey buildings in them were built according to the "Housing for the Russian Family" state program. Builders honestly reduced the cost of square meter (its price did not exceed 33 thousand rubles) for buyers, and in exchange counted on the budgetary help in laying of networks. However this year the state covered the program, and businessmen so received nothing. In the White house even declared that anybody promised nothing to them .

Deception of the authorities delivered to

the Vladimir builders on a survival side. Owner of the company the "Vertical", building houses in Verizino-2, Shamov Alexander put the two firms to bank , and "CLAIM Stroy-Capital" (Piganovo's residential district) almost went bankrupt . On his head, the deputy of the City Council Stanislas Bulakhov upon a delay of salaries opened criminal case . In addition two companies Andreev Aleksey ("CLAIM" and "Igrotek") only to the regional budget ran into debt to Stroy-Capital 10,1 million rubles .

dsc09692 the Project of the residential district of Piganovo

Certainly, in such conditions builders started shifting terms of delivery of houses and "to freeze" future objects. Soloukhina Helena. According to official figures, "Vertical" received 8 permissions for construction of houses in Verizino-2 but while only two objects are handed over. In Piganovo from 28 resolved structures are put into operation 14. 6 more will hand over next year. According to plans, the residential district has to consist of 69 low-storey buildings with a number of social objects.

In the Orange house understand and openly recognize that in present conditions to continue the "Housing for the Russian Family" state program extremely difficult, though it is necessary. 308 families already participate in Vladimir in it, however only 161 families received long-awaited apartments. At a mortgage rate of 5,75% 260 couples more potentially could sign contracts, but they do not decide, being afraid of unfinished construction.

"Any responses arrive: it is pleasant to someone, it is not pleasant to someone. On time all this a little bit strains citizens because builders postpone the commissioning time because of finance. The idea of the state program was, of course, remarkable. But ourselves know, in what economic conditions in general all of us appeared therefore I consider that it has the right to live, and it has to as to be realized, likely, further, but taking into account amendments that now occurs", – Soloukhina Helena considers.

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Deputies headed by the mayor Olga Deeva started complaining both to officials of municipal administration, and the colleague Stanislas Bulakhov of delays at construction of houses and of absence in new residential districts of social infrastructure. So, in Verizino-2 the project provided school and some kindergartens , and in Piganovo there has to be a school garden where will train both preschool children, and junior school pupils. However builders at own expense do not want to build objects not only, but also have no opportunity. And they have no legal obligations.

"The site planning provided elementary school with kindergarten, but only on the terms of state-private partnership and only on condition of construction of all 69 houses. We anywhere will not take money. Today crediting to builders is closed, any regional, federal programs do not exist, but too there are certain difficulties of occurrence into them.

B the contract at us any is not present obligations for construction of infrastructure. When we lease the last house, this infrastructure has to be handed over. By default, according to the logic of any legal obligations at us as at the company builder is not present neither on kindergarten construction, nor on construction of elementary school. We it is simple as investors this project we understand that all this infrastructure is necessary: both shops, and drugstores, and all. Our site planning it everything is provided. Everything will depend on realization and on further demand for square meter", – Stanislas Bulakhov explained.

Stanislas Bulakhov

Same concerns

xf44gl0kqj 1503055559 in Piganovo. Bypass and interquarter journey are provided by the project, but at once they will be built by nobody due to the lack of means and demand for housing. Brought businessmen and the state. "CLAIM" already spent Stroy-Capital for laying of networks gazo-and more than 100 million rubles, but these expenses of companies nobody compensated water supply. Exit one – to raise the price of square meter of housing that though somehow not to be ruined.

"According to this program would be to be reminded about state obligations. Under the terms of the state program, the builder reduces the cost of square meter for 4000 rubles from market cost, in exchange he receives compensation of expenses for networks. Today given compensation is not received, and according to that information which we have, it is possible to forget about it.

We created networks gazo-, water supply system and would like to receive for them compensation. In Piganovo construction is conducted in a clean floor. We laid 3 km of water supply systems, 3 km of the gas pipeline, the volume of expenses are more than 100 million rubles. According to this program all of us satisfied conditions on depreciation of square meter, but compensation did not receive.

We are ready to create on the terms of joint financing social infrastructure, but that cost of square meter which we have today, at increase of prime cost which objectively develops in all economy, she does not allow us as the builder to develop infrastructure and social infrastructure in real estate objects again created in an open country", – Stanislas Bulakhov declared.

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Turns out a vicious circle. On the one hand, residents of Vladimir do not want to buy housing without roads, lighting, kindergartens, schools and shops. With another, builders have no opportunity to develop infrastructure at low demand for apartments. Olga Deeva only complained that at such situation of Verizino-2 and Piganovo for a long time remain "vyselka" :

"Now all of us tell

about comfortable accommodation, and comfortable city accommodation means existence and schools, both kindergartens, and shops, and drugstores. Therefore existence of such infrastructure – it means increase of cost of housing and a housing demand. It as though goes in parallel. If we have an infrastructure, means it is meant that there and the people will stretch because they will already resolve an issue where to take away the child, where to buy something to eat, all in the residential district. I.e. if to delay for a long time this process, such housing which is on vyselka, without roads, without lighting and without shops will not be demanded. Here it everything is interconnected, it is necessary to solve it earlier".

These words were heard whether as a sentence, whether as a voice crying in the wilderness. Deputies took city hall information into consideration. As they say, chatted and dispersed. And the motto of construction policy in the city and in all region can be made words nardepa Pavlov Dimitri: "Under the law everything is clear to , only once – and a situation" .

Olga Deeva
Stanislas Bulakhov
Last position: Director general of JSC ISK Stroy-Capital
Khvostov Dimitri
Shamov Alexander
Andreev Aleksey
Company "Vertikal"