In Krasnoyarsk Interregional scientific and practical conference JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SUEK" opened
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in MVDTs "Siberia" opened on October 17 the III International scientific and practical conference "Open Mining Operations in the XXI Century". Within three days representatives of the largest Russian mining companies, representatives of scientific community will discuss the last novelties, tendencies and prospects of developments branches. As the organizer of conference Siberian Coal Power company acted.

Participation in opening of Scientific and practical conference the acting minister of the industry, power and trades accepted Krasnoyarsk territory Tsykalov Anatoly. He noted that carrying out conference in Krasnoyarsk is not casual.

"Krasnoyarsk territory is one of leaders to Russian Federation on stocks and coal mining. We extract every tenth ton of coal in the country, or 39 million tons, and in three-year prospect we plan to come to 42 million" — Tsykalov Anatoly emphasized.

Thought of the Krasnoyarsk minister were continued by the deputy director generals — the director of production operations JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SUEK" Vladimir Borisovich Artemyev.

"Feature of a Krasnoyarsk platform is that the Soviet mining engineers and the Russian experts continuing their business created here absolutely unique complex on production of brown coal on Kansk Achinsk the coal basin. And that who arrived on conference, we will show the best world practices, technologies and achievements in the field of open mining operations. Here all the best" — was marked out by him.


Importance of conference director general emphasized JSC SUEK Krasnoyarsk, regional production association of companies in Krasnoyarsk territory, Andrey Fedorov. According to him, such actions allow to raise level of interaction of the industry and science, and also to find new solutions for developments branches.

"Cuts which work in Krasnoyarsk territory, were constructed in the eighties the last century, but already then in them technologies which it is possible to call modern, actual, advanced and today were put. Thanks to it at us the most high efficiency on coal mining not only to Russian Federation, but also in the world. We have very serious engineering case. JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SUEK" sets for us a task of continuous improvements. We should not stand still, we have to develop. We work with the scientific organizations Russian Federation including with Krasnoyarsk, and on a joint of science and productions we look for new decisions which will allow to work more effectively" — Andrey Fedorov told.

Materials on a subject How to increase economic "muscles" Krasnoyarsk territory? To Borodino fight for a domestic producer

the Scientific and practical conference "Open Mining Operations in the XXI Century" three days will work in Krasnoyarsk territory. Two of them will be devoted to discussions in sections of such questions, as safety and ecology of productions, design and development mining systems, ensuring working capacity mining-transport the equipment, the organization of work and work with the personnel.

On Thursday, October 19, participants of conference are expected by excursion to the Borodino section of a name of M. I. Shchadov, the largest enterprise of open coal mining in JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SUEK", Krasnoyarsk territory and Russian Federation.

Tsykalov Anatoly Grigoryevichi.O. the minister of the industry, power and trades Krasnoyarsk territory Fedorov Andrey Fedorov the Vitalyevichgeneralny director of Open joint-stock company "SUEK-Krasnoyarsk"

On materials of Laboratory of News news agency

Vladimir Borisovich Artemyev
Last position: Director of production operations of JSC SUEK
Andrey Fedorov
Tsykalov Anatoly
Siberian Coal Power company