So whose Kostyushko Tadeush? Poles and Belarusians divide the hero

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Poles and Belarusians quarreled because of Kostyushko Tadeush. As the Warsaw Yezhednevnaya polskaya gazeta Rzeczpospolita writes, disputes were caused by an initiative of the Belarusian diaspora to Switzerland to establish a monument Kostyushko Tadeush in Solothurn where in the former Jesuit church the glorified revolutionary is buried. Protests of embassy Poland to Switzerland were caused by an estimated inscription: "To the outstanding son Belarus from grateful compatriots". The Polish diplomats demanded to change it, even could win round the Swiss officials. And it already caused rough indignation to Belarus and among Belarusians, and, stood together both authorities, and opposition.

I that is why. Foreign service of the Polish radio, making comments on incident, gives information for the reference: "Kostyushko Tadeush — the military and the politician of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the head of the Polish revolt of 1794, the national hero Poland, United States of America, Lithuania and Belarus was born in 1746 in the natural boundary Merecheshchina in Grand Duchy of Lithuania (nowadays Brest Region, Belarus)". In turn Ministry inostrannykh del Respubliki Polsha, responding to the request "Radio Freedom", writes that "the offer of the Polish party was to place on a monument only the plate with a name and a surname Kostyushko Tadeush. The offer of the Belarusian party — the signature "Kostyushko Tadeush — the son Belarus". This plate did not remind of any communication Kostyushko Tadeush with Poland that for the Polish party was unacceptable".

the Reciprocal acute reaction followed

from Minsk. The head of department of information Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Belarus Mironchik Dimitri, having supported actions of compatriots on monument installation, declared: "It is sure that this idea can and has to be realized, and without rough intervention in activity of public association to Switzerland from somebody". In turn the oppositional Belarusian popular front expressed gratitude of Association of Belarusians Switzerland "for an initiative of perpetuating of memory of the national hero Kostyushko Tadeush" and condemned "actions of the ambassador of the Republic Poland to Switzerland, the maintenance of an inscription directed on change to Switzerland a monument Kostyushko Tadeush, as destructive and directed on provoking of the artificial and unnecessary conflicts in the relations between the people Poland and Belarus".

Emotionally painted explanations what exactly caused a protest of Belarusians, the editor-in-chief of the pro-governmental newspaper "SB <"14>" Belorussiya Segodnya" Yakubovich Pawel gave

. According to him, "the meteorite would not fall to proud Warsaw if Swisses, and also curious tourists learn that the legendary general Kostyushko Tadeush was born to present Belarus that it then he became the hero of many countries. And those whom this history would interest, would get into Internet and learned about the hero even more, and someone would think of the confused score of the European history which full participants, let and it is not really noisy, but there were also Belarusians, or, perhaps, to Velikaya Catherina Litvin who what likes terms more. But in any way faceless "tuteyshyya". And Yezhednevnaya polskaya gazeta Rzeczpospolita Ostrovsky Ales, emphasized quoted the Grodno professor that "Kostyushko Tadeush are the ethnic Belarusian in modern understanding".

In a word, he met his match. While Warsaw, fixing representation about Kostyushko Tadeush as about the general hero of the modern states making the part of speech has no time Pospolita of Both People, tries at the same time "to privatize" it and to reduce to a polskost, official Minsk demands to recognize the revolutionary by an important element of the Belarusian pantheon of heroes, after all Belarusians — it not only "peasants from a plow", and the Belarusian opposition reaches and research of ethnic roots. But after all Kostyushko Tadeush it is important not simply as the person who has made various acts at a turn of the XVIII—XIX centuries, and first of all as an image, some kind of "icon". Whether there is in this "icon" what can unite Poles and Belarusians? Perhaps, what yes. Kostyushko Tadeush the 1st Warsaw infantry division when Poles, Belarusians and Russians together battled to Nazism was called a name. Created in 1943 under the leadership of the colonel Berling Zygmunt, she the first entered Warsaw and together with Red Army stormed Berlin thanks to what the Polish flag was the only thing lifted in the prostrate capital of a Reich along with Soviet.

Today, however, in present Poland and Berling Zygmunt, and soldiers it not in special honor. On September 1, 2011 the division was disbanded by the Polish authorities. However and until now there are in Poland people who remember a feat of those who battled to Hitlerites to Belarus, Poland and Germany. In October of this year near Przemysl fight reconstruction under Lenino when on October 12 — 13, 1943 the Soviet 33rd army of the Western Front and the 1st Warsaw infantry division which was its part of a name of Tadeush Kosciusko battled to forces of the German Wehrmacht was planned. As the chairman of Pshemyslsky association of historical reconstruction of X D declared. O. K. Maykovsky Miroslaw, "within many post-war years in Poland ignored merits of soldiers of the general Anders and eulogized soldiers of the general of Berling Zygmunt. Now some years we observe already the return tendency — condemn soldiers of the general of Berling Zygmunt who together with Soviet Union were at war with Germany. And after all both those, and others in the majority have the Siberian origin. They passed a deportation hell, Siberia, wishing to fight for free Poland". Here that opportunity to reconcile Poles and Belarusians with each other, leaving behind brackets an ethnic origin Kostyushko Tadeush.