Ex-Akim Karabalykskogo of the area Gabdullin Kanat is accused of fraud

@ARNA PRESS (Kazahstan)
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Ex-Akim Karabalykskogo of the area the Rope Gabdullin is accused of fraud

As became known to alau.kz in court the Karabalyksky area criminal case concerning now former Akim Karabalyksky of the area Gabdulin's Kanat Myrzagalievich Gabdulin arrived.

In the press service of regional vessels information confirmed. According to case papers, from February to March, 2017 in the Karabalyksky area the state audit specialists of audit commission on Kostanay Region was booked. Namely audit was carried out in department of Household management company, passenger transports and highways Akimat of Karabalyksky area, in department of educations and department of finance.

"Having used this circumstance, for the purpose of a taking of someone else's property, by deception and breach of confidence, using the official position, Kanat Myrzagalievich Gabdulin having misled the deputy about opportunity to affect results of check of state audit, Karabalyk S. K. money in the form of a bribe in the sum of 300 000 tenges, suggested it to receive S. A. and Akim for the positive decision at the head of department of Household management company the settlement when carrying out check and providing the auditor report without indication of the revealed violations, allegedly for further transfer to officials of audit commission", reported in regional court.

on February 27 Akim Karabalyksky's deputy of the area reported

about it to the head of department of Household management company. The speech went to that moment about 200 000 tenges. On what that agreed. The same conversation was and with Akim of the settlement. With his words, it was necessary to transfer Kanat Myrzagalievich Gabdulin 100 000 tenges. "Thereby Kanat Myrzagalievich Gabdulin through the deputy created false opinion on opportunity to affect the decision of staff of audit commission on drawing up the positive auditor report without indication of the revealed violations and created at the head of department of Household management company S. A. and Akim of S. K. settlement intention on bribery to officials, that is specialists of audit commission. On March 1 zamakima in the office of akimat Kanat Myrzagalievich Gabdulin received 300 000 tenges from S. A. and S. K. on March 4 received from the deputy 300 000 tenges" — reported in regional court.

Thus, Kanat Myrzagalievich Gabdulin committed the crime provided statyami "Fraud, that is plunder someone else's property, by deception and breach of confidence, with use of the official position, the person holding a responsible state position" and "Instigation to bribery to the official, in a considerable size". Preliminary hearing of business is appointed to October 16.

Kanat Myrzagalievich Gabdulin was appointed by

To Akim's position on September 30, 2015. As reported alau.kz in Akim's press service Kostanay Region, Kanat Myrzagalievich Gabdulin is not about a week Akim Karabalykskogo of the area.

Author: Lugovskaya Natalia

of the Photo: deschide.md
