"Yes I also do not count especially, if honestly". The excavator operator who found a treasure in Deep, yet did not earn reward

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Author: Melkozerov Nikita. Photo: vg-gazeta.by

Martynovich Sergei — the chief newsmaker Glubokogo. On to last week the excavator operator of local Household management company quietly to himself worked, but suddenly his labor ladle ran into unknown object. When the object became more identified, it appeared a treasure of old coins. While advantage for Martynovich Sergei from this find — only popularity. He does not count on remuneration.

popularity fell Upon the man. But it courageously resisted under its weight and continues to live as earlier.

— Ouch, exchanged nothing. Is to me normally. It is necessary to work. About coins in general I know nothing. How many they stand? How valuable? I do not know. I know only that they now in the museum. Them there show to everyone.

the excavator operator does not count

On money.

— And me told that no remuneration will exist, so I and do not wait for anything.

— And who told?

— And I somewhere read. Well and people said that anything it is not necessary to me. And what to do? Under the law it is impossible, so it is impossible. There came children from television, said that, probably, something will be. But more I know nothing. Yes I also did not count especially, if honestly.


— it is offensive?

— So and that you will make. Let's not receive, so we will not receive. I to everything treated with humour. In any way to me it will not change life. It is necessary to work. Colleagues have over me fun on a full tie. Speak: "Disappeared with money from a pay". And I laugh in reply.

the Senior research associate of the local historical and ethnographic museum Alexander Khaynovsky and his colleagues now in the answer for storage nakhodki.

— From the historical point of view a find very valuable, with financial — it is necessary to carry out expertize. The special commission will be engaged in it. Coins generally the end of the 19th — the first half of the 20th eyelid.

of Percent of the 70th treasure, the expert notes, change Poland from nickel and bronze.

— Special value in them is not present. Other 30 percent — silver coins. It is already more interesting. Among other there are two American coins — dollar and half-dollar. Checked them. Samples in a good shape, stand approximately for $50. But the coins found in Deep, remained worse. Our excavator operator did not find a treasure on thousands dollars. If he sold the found coins at auction, could not buy the new car. I think, the maximum would realize the sum comparable to salary.

the Treasure for a while became part of a collection of the museum.

— District executive committee drew up the statement of their transfer. While they are exhibited. People are interested. It is sensation. Not every day at us treasures are.

the Representative of the museum notes that now lawyers understand a question of financial rewarding of the excavator operator.

For consultation we addressed to the partner of Lawyer bureau "Hmylko, Yarmosh Elizabeth and Partners" to Yarmosh Elizabeth.

the Legislator understands as the word "treasure" buried in the earth or money hidden by a different way or the valuable subjects which owner cannot be established or owing to the act of the legislation lost on them the right. By the general rule established by Art. 234 of the Civil Code (CC), the treasure arrives in property of the person who possesses property (the land plot, structures, etc.) where the treasure was hidden, and the person who has found a treasure, in equal shares if the agreement between them did not establish other.

At treasure detection by the person making excavation or searches of values without a consent to it of the owner of the land plot or other property where the treasure was hidden, the treasure is subject to transfer to the owner of the land plot or other property in which it was found klad.

— in case of detection of the treasure consisting of material cultural values, possessing distinctive spiritual, art and (or) documentary advantages and corresponding to one of criteria for giving of the status of historical and cultural value to them, such material cultural values are subject to transfer to state ownership. Thus the owner of the land plot or other property where the treasure was hidden, and the person who has found a treasure, have the right together remunerations of fifty percent of cost of a treasure. Remuneration is distributed between these persons in equal shares if the agreement between them did not establish other (item 2 of Art. 234 of group of companies).

However need to remember that these rules are not applied to persons, the circle of labor or which official duties included carrying out excavation and the search, directed on treasure detection (item 3 of Art. 234 of group of companies).

— thus, if the person carried out other official or labor duties (not connected with treasure search), it has the right for a share of a treasure in the general order. In the case under consideration, if the found coins are not the material cultural values possessing distinctive advantages and corresponding to one of criteria for giving by him of the status of historical and cultural value, the person, them found, can apply for 50% of the found treasure. If after all the treasure is the material cultural value, found it will earn reward of 25% of treasure cost.

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Alexander Khaynovsky
Main activity:Official
Martynovich Sergei
Melkozerov Nikita
Yarmosh Elizabeth