In SVFU there is a set of the Yakut students for training on an exchange in higher education institutions South Korea

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of V SVFU goes a set of the Yakut students for training on an exchange in higher education institutions South Korea. Photo: SVFU
Annually more than 60 students are trained by in higher education institutions South Korea according to various exchange and scholarship programs

on October 11, Network edition "Information company YakutiaMedia". At FGAOU FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "SEVERO-VOSTOCHNY FEDERAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER M. K. AMMOSOVA" NORTHEAST FEDERAL UNIVERSITY SVFU there is a selection of students on exchange programs to Pusansky national university and Mendzhi's university. Language training there will pass in universities Hanguk and Choson. Annually more than 60 students are trained in higher education institutions South Korea according to various exchange and scholarship programs. In total cooperation is conducted with nine South Korean higher education institutions, reported Network edition "Information company YakutiaMedia" in the higher education institution press service.

SVFU cooperates in about tens universities, colleges, the research centers of the world. Also the program of mobility of students and teachers with 56 foreign partner higher education institutions is realized.

According to Management of international relations of SVFU, for 2017 to South Korea 45 students went and are trained." Exchange programs are available as well as to students of language profiles, and to engineering, technical and other specialties. For example, this year students of department of history, physics and technology, technical, financial and economic institutes" used the program of mobility, – the staff of management notes.

Now at federal university goes selection of students on exchange programs to Pusansky national university and Mendzhi's university, on language training to universities Hanguk and Choson.

"From this month the set according to all programs will begin, interviews are planned since October 6. From candidates the motivation, good or excellent academic progress is required, the knowledge of English at level above an average or above" is obligatory, – the coordinator of exchange programs with South Korean higher education institutions Sivtsev Innokenty explained.

It is possible to look at detailed information on programs here.

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