On Domashny TV channel the thrilling detective story "Disappeared" begins

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How to live if loss of everything is only the beginning of a difficult way? In new series "Disappeared" there is all: from a history mysterious and full of unexpected turns to a star cast. The main secret of a season will be revealed since October 16 at 21.00 on "Domashnem".

Thrilling detective story
Anna Snatkina.
Snatkina  Anna.
Savelyeva Catherina (Snatkina  Anna) falls suddenly – the groom was gone, from the apartment expelled, and it appears in prison on charge of murder. Suddenly someone brings for it pledge, and near the house the girl the lawyer of the influential businessman waits Pashkov Igor (Grebenshchikov Kirill). He offers Savelyeva Catherina the transaction – it has to disappear. Savelyeva Catherina agrees, at all without suspecting, what meeting waits for her ahead. Why it? What secret is hidden behind this disappearance? Answers to these and other questions – in new detective series "Disappeared" on Domashny TV channel since October 16 in 21.00.<"44>" the Director Razykov Yusup itself wrote to

the scenario and carefully selected each actor. The cast is rich with stars: besides Snatkina  Anna and Grebenshchikov Kirill acted in series Dunaev Daniil, Konstantinov Alexander, Yushkevich Sergei, Gromov Leonid, Nesterov Petr, Brankevich Darya, Belousova Darya, Akulova Tamara, Maslova Victoria, Petrova Galina.

Who is who in series "Disappeared"

Anna Snatkina.
Snatkina  Anna.
  • Snatkina  Anna (Savelyeva Catherina / Pashkova Lydia )

to the Actress dropped out interesting opportunity to play in series at once two roles. The first character Snatkina  Anna – the young housemaid Savelyeva Catherina who found the modest happiness and was going to marry the ordinary guy. And the second character – the rough, spoiled and greedy wife of the oligarch Pashkova Lydia . Destinies of two main characters will intertwine in the most unexpected way.

  • Grebenshchikov Kirill (Pashkov Igor, the businessman)

to the Actor got a role of very rich person. According to series the closed and cold oligarch has to blossom and learn to test the warmest emotions from the endured. Also the hero Grebenshchikov Kirill will appear before very difficult choice.

  • Yushkevich Sergei (Kulagin Petr, the lawyer Pashkov Igor)

Yushkevich Sergei plays very ambiguous character. The insinuating and quiet timbre of a voice Yushkevich Sergei will force the viewer to believe in his devotion and unconditional service to the owner. But whether so it actually?

  • Dunaev Daniil (Zemtsov Kirill, Savelyeva Catherina)

Savelyeva Catherina did not undergo testing by money. Having been greedy and prudent, Zemtsov Kirill almost gets to an unpleasant situation.

  • Akulova Tamara (Maria Semenovna operating the house of a family of Pashkov)

the Known Russian actress Akulova Tamara played the hostess manager of the house of Pashkov in series. For many years the woman stores an order, having become for owners almost native mother.

  • Gromov Leonid (Sosnin Benjamin, the private detective)

the Major in resignation conducts own investigation of a terrible crime or only disturbs all the interrogations?

  • Nesterov Petr (Max, the driver of a family of Pashkov)

Nesterov Petr. The assistant attorney and the driver of a family of Pashkov, Max – at first sight, the regular guy, smiling and always ready to come to the rescue. Actually it is not for whom itself gives out, and hides something very important.

  • Belousova Darya ()

to Red-haired Belousova Darya got Zoya, Savelyeva Catherina, Zoya. Vindictive and vindictive Zoya will make everything to destroy life of the sister.

  • Brankevich Darya (Yulya, the nurse of the daughter Pashkovykh Svetlana)

the Young actress Brankevich Darya played a role of the nurse of the daughter of Pashkov in series. Gentle and understanding Yulia not only helped the little heroine to cope with difficulties, but also endured personal tragedy. Whether her devotion and love to melt heart of foreign beloved will be able?

  • Konstantinov Alexander (Bystrov Artem, the chief of service of safety Pashkov Igor)

This hero – one of the most positive. On a plot, the chief of safety Bystrov Artem carries out the official duties selflessly and has the real feelings to the beloved.

  • Osipov Artem (Klimov, the investigator)

Investigating the confused crime, Klimov feels, what not everything is so simple as it seems. Whether it will manage to it to finish the unusual investigation?

  • Petrova Galina (Tatyana Vasilyevna, mother Pashkova Lydia )

Mother Pashkova Lydia Vasilyeva Tamara appears in the middle of series and suddenly distinguishes very serious substitution, but as it keeps many years terrible secret, sharply bowls off this.

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  • Production: DRIM MOVIE
  • Quantity of series: 16
  • Timing: 48 minutes
  • Director: Razykov Yusup
will pass

of the Prime minister of series "Disappeared" on October 16 at 21.00 on "Domashnem".