EXPO-2017 passes on baton

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Paris. The Kazakhstan delegation headed by the commissioner "EXPO-2017" Rapil Zhoshybayev and the vice-chairman of board of the national company "Astana EXPO-2017" Shormanov Yerbol took part in meeting of executive committee of the International bureau of exhibitions (MBV) in Paris, the correspondent of DailyNews.kz reports.

As are reported by the EXPO-2017 media center, in the performance R. Zhoshybayev told about results passed in Astana the international exhibitions, the number of official participants and the visitors, the taken place international actions and their results.

According to him, initially, in registration file EXPO-2017 planned participation of 100 countries and 10 international organizations.

"This plan was implemented by

. At Exhibition 115 countries and 22 international organizations" took part, - the commissioner emphasized.

In turn, the vice-chairman of Board of JSC NK <5> Astana EXPO-2017" Shormanov Yerbol told about the main indicators and to economic effect of exhibitions.

"According to the Registration file of exhibitions, we planned to accept 2 million visitors, 15% from which – foreign citizens. The actual indicators surpassed our expectations in number of visitors – Exhibition was visited by nearly 4 million people (the total number of visitors made 3 977 545 people) . 15% of all visitors were foreign tourists from 187 countries of the world. Today any more does not raise any doubts that carrying out so large-scale project played a role of the next driver for all national economy and helped to create tens of thousands of workplaces in addition. More than 1400 enterprises of small and medium business secured orders for goods and services for the sum exceeding 170 million euros", - Shormanov Yerbol noted.

Besides, the deputy chairman of the board of the national company told

about the cultural and entertaining and thematic actions which have taken place in its territory, and also about post-exhibition use of the infrastructure "EXPO-2017".

Following the results of presentation the management and members of MBV gave appreciation to the held exhibition, having noted that it became a springboard for innovations, a fine platform for an exchange of opinions and serious reflections on the subject "Energy of the Future".

Within executive committee the meeting with the secretary general of MBV Vicente Lossertalesy with participation of the ambassador Kazakhstan to France Nurlan Danenov took place.

the Secretary general of MBV congratulated the people Kazakhstan on successful carrying out EXPO-2017, and also thanked the Head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev for his personal attention and continued resolute support in holding exhibitions. According to Mr. of Lossertales, success EXPO-2017 will serve as an example for all specialized exhibitions in the future.

Besides, members of executive committee heard reports on a course of preparation of exhibitions "Beijing-2019", "Dubai-2020", and also discussed the file of candidates on holding specialized exhibitions "EKSPO-2022/2023": Minneapolis (United States of America), Lodz (Poland), Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina). The country hostess of the following specialized exhibitions becomes known in a voting process on General Assembly institution Obiyedinenny nations for MBV in November, 2017.

Nurlan Danenov
Last position: Ambassador in France, ambassador in the Portuguese Republic, Principality of Andorra, Principality of Monaco in combination (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Nursultan Nazarbayev
Last position: Member of council (Constitutional Council of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Shormanov Yerbol