Scandal with a monument Kostyushko Tadeush. Poles against a mention of its Belarusian roots

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in the Swiss Solothurn has to open on October 21, 2017 a monument to Kostyushko Tadeush — to the head of liberating revolt of 1794. It was originally supposed that on Schild information on the Belarusian roots Kostyushko Tadeush has to be provided. But on request of the Polish party all mentions about Belarus disappeared. The Belarusian Sapega Alexander, the vice-chairman of Association of Belarusians which in every possible way promoted creation of this monument.

the Portrait Kostyushko Tadeush a brush Gotlib Carl Shvaykart

As told

Karl Gottlieb Schweikart's Tadeush Kosciusko's portrait of a brush Sapega Alexander, on Schild there had to be an inscription on Belarusian and German. Besides, founders of a monument were not against and the Polish option. On Schild the following phrase had to be written: "To Vydatnam to the son Belarus_ hell ¸dzyachny suaychynn_ka ў". Kostyushko Tadeush — the national hero Belarus, Lithuania, Poland and United States of America — was born in the territory of the modern Ivatsevichsky area. Besides, money on creation of a monument were collected by Belarusian diaspora to Switzerland. And the most part of the sum was brought by Sapega Alexander and his family.

according to our interlocutor, the Polish party did not participate in any way in monument creation. Nevertheless Krakow and Solothurn where lived in emigration and died Kostyushko Tadeush, are twin-cities. "Getyya garady і _kh k_ra¸n_ko ў zvyazvayuts da¸n_ya stasunk і — Sapega Alexander speaks. — Zhykhara Zalaturn dzesyats_goddzyam_ chul і that Kastsyushka — geta the Pole. And here z'ya¸lyayutsets neyk_ya Belarusians і vyso¸vayuts pretenz іі on Iago".

according to the interlocutor of Belarusian portal "TUT.BY", the Polish Embassy to Switzerland delivered the ultimatum. Diplomats demanded to clean from shildy a mention about Belarus. Otherwise they threatened that the official Polish delegation will ignore official Polish-Swiss celebration which had to take place on October 15 in Solothurn. About such position Sapega Alexander learned from the letter of the mayor to which he wrote complaint on actions of diplomats.

Model of a monument of Kosciusko. Photo: Alexander Sapegi's archive
Model of a monument Kostyushko Tadeush. Photo: archive Sapega Alexander
the Local official chose by

the Polish position. "I to the magician tolk_ paspachuvats to the mayor, Alya hto budze spachuvats to us? " — Sapega Alexander makes comments.

the Final version shildy looks so:

"Tadeusz Kosciuszko
04.02.1746 — 15.10.1817
of Gestiftet von der Weissrussischen Vereinigung in der Schweiz 2017"

the Last offer in translation from German means the following: "Switzerland in 2017 are put by Association of Belarusians". "Nadp_s to pas-nyametsku tsalka, and _mya Kastsyushk_ nap_sana the pas-polsku" — are made comments by Sapega Alexander.

Now Sapega Alexander prepare for

complaint in Ministry inostrannykh del Respubliki Polsha. Besides, it contacted the Belarusian diplomats who present interests of the country to Switzerland. They try to meet the mayor Solothurn, however the answer of the town governor while is unknown.