Attention: Grand round!

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Tour de France in a lens

Applicants for "the absolute hero" so applicants also remained

Annually in all ends of the world thousands highway cycle races are carried out, but the main attention is drawn by three Grand rounds:" Dzhiro d "Italy", "Tour de France" and Spanish "Vuelta".

That the general?

First, all these marathon races take place in Western Europe, quite often coming on the territory of neighboring countries. Secondly, each of them includes on 21 stages on which athletes act on flat and mountain sites, overcoming tops in the Alps and the Pyrenees, starting in group and individual races for twenty three days two of which are taken away on rest. Thirdly, their extent is no more than 3600 km. Fourthly, in them start eighteen teams from participants of a world series and four more professional teams, by the invitation of organizers of race, and all for start in these structures of 22 teams there are 198 racers from whom about 45-50 percent reach the finish. And, at last, in each race along with the winner of general classification surely are determined the best "the racer by points", "the mountain king", the best "the young racer" to whom 23 years were not executed yet. And recently began to be called and "aggressors", the most courageous and active at each stage more often, but the strongest teams began to be defined less often.

Today we will tell

about these three cycle tours which for the 104th time were carried out to France, celebrated the 100 anniversary to Italy, for the 72nd time started to Spain. But, as before, any racer did not manage to win all three Grand rounds. .


d’ Italy

This time, it is rather in honor of century, race was carried out only in the territory Italy, by tradition having accepted start on May 5. It began on the island Region of Sardinia, then got over to Sicily, from where went on the country North, to Calabria, passed the Alpine areas that, having overcome a way 3572,2 km long, to finish it in Milan. Here temperamental Italian "Italian football fans" hotly welcomed the silver prize-winner of the Olympic Games in Rio - Zhaneyro-2016 of the 26-year-old Dutch Dyumulen Tom who for the first time won Grand round, having spent for passing of all stages of 90 hours 34 minutes 54 seconds, having won thus two stages while the sprinter from Colombia Gaviriya Fernando four times the first flew by over white finishing line. It is interesting to note that Dyumulen Tom only from the tenth round pulled a pink undershirt of the leader on the powerful shoulders of the master of separate races and kept it to the nineteenth stage while on storm of mountain top he was not "undressed" by the low, puny Colombian Nairo Quintana who up to this point, as well as Austrian Loukas Pestlberger, the German Graypel Andre, Gaviriya Fernando, the young luxembourger Bob Yungels, already managed to stand out in "kolchuzhka" of the leader. But Nairo, having caught for the second time an undershirt of the leader, held it only to the last stage where Dyumulenio who has become the winner of "Dzhiro-2017" managed to outstrip it in separate race for a while on 31 sec. The second place remained for Quintana, the third — for Vincenzo Nibali, the fourth — for the Frenchman Pino Thibaut, and the fifth — for the champion Russian Federation 27-year-old Zakarin Ilnur who conceded to the winner of race 1 minute 56 seconds. In-point classification by the best there was Gaviriya Fernando, "the mountain king" — the Spaniard Landa Mikel, and "the young tease" — Bob Yungels.

Still participants of races on roads Italy, as they say, did not manage to take breath

of Tour de France as on July 1 from German Dusseldorf was started by French "Round" which glanced this time to Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg. The first week race traveled about across Ardennes, Vogeza, Yura, the second — passed through the Pyrenees and the Massif Central, a third — went from the Alps to the Mediterranean Sea that, having passed 3540 km, on July 23 to finish on the Champs Elysée in Paris. For all this most difficult way in a yellow jersey of the leader only three racers went: American Geraynt Thomas, double pobedite "Tura" the black Englishman Сhris Froome and the Italian Fabio Aru which on two stages could take away an undershirt at Сhris Froome, but the mulatto managed it not only to catch up, but also to overtake that then eight stages to finish in capital it to give France on 54 sec. outstripped Colombian Rigoberto Uran and more than for two minutes — the Frenchman Barde Romain.

In-point classification by the strongest was the Australian Mettyus Michael, "the mountain king" — Frenchman Varran Bargy who has "hooked" on two most difficult stages in the Alps, and the British Yeyts Simon became the best young racer. On the plain out of competition there was the German sprinter Kittel Marcelle, won five stages. But, alas, as soon as peleton started clambering to mountains, for Kittel Marcelle came kaput. Russians did not participate this time in "Tura".

the Spanish race started Vuelt's

on August 12 in the French Nym on September 10 to finish the more than a 3315-kilometer way in Madrid. And already from the third stage in leaders there was a British Сhris Froome who at the following eighteen stages did not concede anybody a red undershirt of the leader. In it it finished in Madrid. His main rivals on the plain and in mountains, in individual races for the period of steel well proved on "Dzhiro-2017" the Italian Vincenzo Nibali and the Russian Zakarin Ilnur whom, in turn, Alberto Contador were necessary to reflect attacks of Dutch Vilko Kelderman and the legendary Spaniard. Сhris Froome managed to celebrate the second victory on Grand round in the current season, having once again shown the outstanding skill. It spent for all way 82:30.02, having outstripped Vincenzo Nibali for 2 minutes 15 seconds, and for the first time taken the third place on Grand rounds of ours Zakarin Ilnur — on 2.51. Besides, the Englishman became the best in-point offset, won two stages in mountains, but conceded a title "the mountain king" to Spaniard Davide Villelle. Well, and at flat stages out of competition there was the Italian sprinter Matteo Trentin who became the winner of four stages including finishing in Madrid. Сhris Froome told that now his dream to win "Dzhiro d’ Italy" to enter "the magnificent six" racers of a world class who managed to win in different years on all three Grand rounds. Belgian Eddie Merckx, French enter it Ino Bernar and Jacques Anquetil, Italians of Felice Giimondi and Vincenzo Nibali, the Spaniard Alberto Contador. From these outstanding masters of highway routes while continue to act Alberto Contador and Vincenzo Nibali.

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the Material is published by

Orlov Garik

Lucas Pyostlberger
Last position: The professional athlete on bicycle sport
Vinchentso Nibali
Last position: The professional athlete on road bicycle racing
Ильнур Азатович Закарин
Last position: The professional athlete on bicycle sport
Mikel Landa Miena
Last position: The professional athlete on road bicycle racing