The stopper on road forced the president Indonesia to walk on a heat on foot

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the President Indonesia Dzhoko Vidodo, being late for official action because of stoppers, made the decision to reach the destination on foot. Dzhoko Vidodo and to accompanying his faces were necessary to pass as a result on a heat about two kilometers.

the Head of the country went on October 5 to the ceremony devoted to the 72nd anniversary of the basis of armed forces Indonesia, in the city Cilegon, located to the West from Jakarta, reports information agency "Agence France-Presse" .

On the way to right the place the train of the president got to a deaf stopper. After about half an hour of expectation Dzhoko Vidodo made the decision to leave the car and to go on foot.

the Two-kilometer piece of a way it did

in an environment of bodyguards under approving shouts of the passersby chanting his name. About the incident the president wrote subsequently on Social network Facebook.

Some local users of social networks expressed to

or did not provide it the helicopter.

Dzhoko Vidodo
Last position: President of the Republic of Indonesia (President of Republic Indonesia)