Inflationary moods measured on sugar prices, coffee and fruit

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Sugar, tea and coffee, fruit and vegetables for the first time entered an experimental assessment of Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) for measurement of inflationary moods. About it to daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya" told the deputy head of department of a monetary policy Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) Lipin Andrey.

"The understanding of how inflationary expectations are formed, allows to predict dynamics of future inflation better. More deeply to understand the reasons of an appreciation of inflation by the population, Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) expanded polling tools. In the questionnaire more specific questions on a rise in prices for goods markers were added: sugar, tea and coffee, fruit and vegetables" — were told by Lipin Andrey.

according to the head of the Center of macroeconomic researches Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" Julia Tseplyaeva, improvements of a technique of an assessment of inflationary expectations it is necessary to welcome.

"the Chosen Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) goods are indicative for inflation. Sugar — is basic goods. Inflationary expectations on it reflect moods of group of people for which basic goods are the main of consumption. Coffee — is import goods. Those people which consumption depends on a ruble exchange rate, are considered by means of it goods. Fruit and vegetables — it is goods with big seasonality, and thus it is interesting to people with higher income" — explained Julia Tseplyaeva.

Also Lipin Andrey added that inflationary expectations within two months are on the minimum value for all history that is a good indicator.

read in an exclusive material daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya" In more detail:
Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) tasted inflation