The director of "IT Almazergienbank" told about prospects of digital currencies

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Technologies blokcheyna and Bitkoin: The director of "AEB IT" told about prospects of digital currencies. Photo: Yakutiyamedia
Many residents of Yakutsk do not know that such Technologies blokcheyna on what the course Bitkoin read in inrtervyyu

on October 4, Network edition "Information company YakutiaMedia" in more detail. That such Technologies blokcheyna? How it is possible maynit Cryptocurrency? On what the course Bitkoin depends? These and many other questions in interview were answered by director general the affiliated companies Almazergienbank of "AEB IT" Myreev Anatoly . About it reports Network edition "Information company YakutiaMedia".

Anatoly Myreev

Myreev Anatoly. Photo: from a site banks

— Many people still not up to the end understand that such Bitkoin, Cryptocurrency, Technologies blokcheyna. For a start, please, briefly explain that means each of these concepts. Why these terms became so popular?
— Technologies blokcheyna — technology storages of the register of transactions at the same time on several computers united in a uniform network. The simplest analogy is when some people at the same time keep magazines where write down all the mutual settlements. Thus each new operation is brought in all magazines. It provides decentralization and safety carrying out transactions — it is impossible to change or forge records in such database. In some modifications of technologies really to reach full anonymity of participants of the transaction.
As for Cryptocurrency, it is digital currency which account is kept on Technologies blokcheyna. Bitkoin – first-ever Cryptocurrency.
Technologies blokcheyna can carry out all three important roles, characteristic for sector of financial services: registration of transactions, confirmation of authenticity of the personality and conclusion of contracts. Everyone tries to find new opportunities in this technologies. And on this wave of interest, including speculative, the course grows (already in tens times in recent years), there are new Cryptocurrency. All this is the main reason of popularity Bitkoin.

— Turns out, what Bitkoin it is possible to pay on Internet as usual money? Whether the person breaks any legislative norms, using Bitkoin?

- to Use Cryptocurrency just as usual money will not turn out. To Russian Federation, for example, legal status of Cryptocurrency is not defined yet. At present the Ministry of Finance and Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) discuss ways of regulation. Nevertheless, it is possible to find places which accept Bitkoin as payment for goods and services, but, of course, in some central cities of the country they do it informally.
In some states Bitkoin received the official status. To Germany, for example, it is recognized as monetary unit. To receive representation, in what countries and the cities it is possible to use Cryptocurrency, is useful to use service .

— Where people take

to br Bitkoin? On what their course depends? — to Buy br Bitkoin to Russian Federation does not make big work. Specialized platforms can easily be found in Internet. Course of such currency as Bitkoin, it is formed thanks to belief in technology and to active demand as it happens and to other currency assets. But as Bitkoin have low general capitalization, their course strongly influence a mass agiotage and large players.

— Can hear often expression "maynit Cryptocurrency". What does it mean? And whether the ordinary person can "maynit"?
— the Main condition of existence Technologies blokcheyna is the distributed system of registers in which account of transactions "is kept. Maynera" are engaged in that transactions confirm and write down them in registers, for what earn reward from the parties of the transaction and from system. Bitkoin at present maynyat only on the specialized equipment, but such Cryptocurrency as, for example, Efirium, zCash, is possible maynit on powerful videocards in house conditions.

— Many experts claim that the system of Cryptocurrency something reminds a financial pyramid. Whether so it?

— Cryptocurrency type Bitkoin have important advantage before ordinary currencies/actions – they have no uniform emission center — a place in which can increase randomly quantity of currency in the address. The Technologies blokcheyna with pyramids has nothing in common, there are only indirect signs of a bubble because of an agiotage, but it was observed only during formation. According to the similar scenario the situation once developed and with Internet. There is a remote similarity that the swindlers who are artificially warming up interest to some Cryptocurrency (usually to new) meet and after on a wave "haypa" the course grew enough, remove money.

— On what Cryptocurrency keeps ? Than it is supported? — Actually Cryptocurrency is supported with nothing with br. It more likely belief of people in demanded technology. In principle, with usual money the same history.

strong— Why financial institutions, for example, Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia), enough watchfully belong to introduction of Cryptocurrency as analog of traditional currencies?
— Financial institutions seek to enter control over performed operations that means a deanonimization, and it contradicts the concept of Cryptocurrency. As it was spoken earlier, anonymity provides possibility of carrying out doubtful operations, up to financings the terrorist organizations, cross-border transfers for the purpose of laundering of the income. Besides, the control mechanism over excessive volatility of a course is not developed.

— As far as Cryptocurrency are popular to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic? — it is difficult to

to estimate. In Yakutsk there are communities of the people who are engaged in a mining of Cryptocurrency by means of videocards, but enthusiasts openly declaring net.

Anatoly Nikolaevich Myreev
Last position: First deputy chairman of the board (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK "ALMAZERGIENBANK")
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance
Government Agency