In Moscow there passed presentation of Fund of assistance to development of the Kalmyk language "Syayakhn Keln"

@RIA Kalmykija
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It took place in a conference room Permanent mission Republic of Kalmykia at President The Russian Federation.

In action public organizations and communities of the Kalmyk diaspora took part in Moscow: ROO "Dzungaria", sports club "Dzhangar", business community "Let's Do of It Business Community", representatives of the Kalmyk state university of the name of B. B. Gorodovikov and students. Participants of Fund told story of creation, the purpose and a task, submitted the carried-out and current projects.

Among them – the organization of clubs of the Kalmyk language in Elista and Moscow, opening Kalmyk electronic libraries , video creation "Halmgar to үү ndiya ! " gin erk " , the help in creation and Crossword Puzzles on Kalmyk mobile application support, and also in filling and a postscoring of the Halmg Cologne mobile application of Zunov Aleksey , the translation of video records about the Kalmyk culture from the project Churyumova Elvire in Kembridzhsko of m university e and many other things.

In plans at activists – creation of a training site on the Kalmyk language with different levels of training, online courses, training materials and grants, Crossword Puzzles on Kalmyk mobile application expansion, addition skanvordov, quizes, puzzles, the help in drawing up and editing of questions for Club game "60 seconds" (Elista), devoted to the Kalmyk national holiday Zul.

we Will note

that the Fund was officially registered in September, 2017. However, the participants are active since 2013. It is organizers of the Kalmyk language clubs in Elista, Moscow and Saint Petersburg, activists of advance of the Kalmyk language: Nuksunov Ays, Badmaev Sanal, Lidzhieva Tatyana, Bulgun Mankirova, Orusov Dimitri, Ainov Matsak . Participants of team on the basis of the saved up practical experience of studying of the Kalmyk language, research of problems and inquiries of audience in detail told about Fund activities, having emphasized that decided to unite for the sake of common cause.

the Main goal – support of development and promoting of the Kalmyk language and culture in the territory of Republic of Kalmykia and beyond its limits. Among the main objectives – support and stimulation of the public, educational organizations, research teams, the mass media, certain scientists, writers, the creative youth, engaged in preservation, development and promotion of the Kalmyk language, the Kalmyk culture and art.

the Main message of presentation of Fund as participants of action noted, became aspiration of association of efforts in revival of the native language and adaptation under modern realities by creation of the mobile applications, training sites, a flash animations, blogs and other media products in the Kalmyk language.

After their performance there took place detailed discussion of presentation. The head of the department of foreign languages, cross-cultural communication and regional studies of the Kalmyk state university of B. B. Gorodovikov's Namzhavin Sodmon especially noted importance of activity of Fund and offered the help with granting techniques of teaching of the Kalmyk language. The wishes and offers the former minister of national educations Kalmyk also stated the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Badmaev Sanal . All comments of guests of presentation were brought in bank ideas, and some are already carried out in practice.

to Fund volunteers who could be engaged in typing are necessary to

, scan and, probably, to translate different texts. Also IT specialists, smmshchik, linguists are required. It is possible to address on a social network "In Contact" or by e-mail This e-mail address is protected by from spam boats. At you JavaScript for viewing has to be included. .