In Krasnoyarsk territory the official "presented" to the son from budgets 200 thousand rubles

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The official transferred budget money to the account of the son.
the Official transferred budget money to the account of the son. © /

B Krasnoyarsk territory the official translated 200 thousand rubles, allocated for cleaning of graves of soldiers of the Second World War. On this fact criminal case is brought.

As were told by police officers, state the former employee of Administration of the Birilyussky district decided to use money. It transferred about 220 thousand rubles to the account of the 21-year-old son. This money was intended for assistance on improvement of graves of participants of BOB.<"14>" to

By the way, caused loss the suspect indemnified. However investigators of MO of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "Bolsheuluyskoye" all the same brought criminal case upon frauds. To the woman threatens till 6 years of imprisonment.