The inhabitant Luzy illegally cut down the wood on 1 million rubles

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B Luza district accuse the local of illegal deforestation, Prosecutor's office of Kirov region reports.

Prosecutor's office:


- by the Consequence it is established that accused, by means of use during the period from September to October, 2016 of other persons who have not been informed on criminal nature of their actions, made in borders of the Luzsky local forest area the illegal cabin of forest plantings with a total amount more than 240 cubic meters, having caused that to forest fund Russian Federation material damage for the sum more than 1 million rubles.

the 43-year-old local appeared

the Black woodcutter.

for the period of investigation on property of the accused seized all sum of the damage caused to them. Now business directed to Luza district district court Kirov region.