In UNICEF  declared the new program for emergency relief to children from among myanmansky refugees to Bangladesh

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For the last five weeks from Myanmar arrived to Bangladesh

Expressing concern concerning aggravation of position of myanmansky refugees to Bangladesh, UNICEF  () declared UNICEF , escaping from violence. We increase them the help, but scales of requirements are huge …", - the Executive director of UNICEF  Anthony Leyk declared during the visit to Bangladesh.

"These children are deprived of the childhood. They need protection, and without our help they will have no future", - Anthony Leyk added.

For the last five weeks from Myanmar arrived to Bangladesh, health care and sanitation face not only refugees, but also local communities.

Chapter of UNICEF  addressed to member states of United Nations with an appeal to allocate 76, 1 million US dollars for assistance to children from among a myanmansky community rokhindzha. The most part of these means will be directed on prevention of outbreak of infectious diseases, including cholera. Besides, UNICEF  plans to supply 7500 children suffering from sharp malnutrition, special grocery rations.

Within the program for emergency relief of UNICEF  will increase efforts on providing children with a psychological assistance and services in the sphere of educations. Earlier in UNICEF  declared plans to open to Bangladesh more than 1300 new training centers for children from a Muslim community rokhindzha. Under the auspices of UNICEF  in camps 182 such centers were already open for representatives of this community and in temporary settlements in the city District of Cox's Bazar. In them 15 thousand children are trained. It is planned that after emergence of new schools about 200 thousand myanmansky children will sit down at school desks.