Inhabitants of a Syktyvkar Orbit are ready to submit for a referendum a question of the translation of a disputable site in number of green zones

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People are sure that this the decision will not affect in any way an outcome of lawsuits between the city hall and the tenant.

On a clearing on Petrozavodskaya Street and Pokrovsky Boulevard crossing on October 1 in Syktyvkar meeting took place. Residents took to the streets to speak against dot building. One of occasions began to postpone the decision of council of the city the translation of a disputable site in the Orbit from a zone under a housing estate in number of green zones.

One of members of initiative group Shtraler Stanislas explained to



"Transfer of a site to the zone P5 [a zone of parks and squares] will not forbid parking construction. Therefore, will not violate the rights of the tenant – "Allsorts Plus". But on a site it will be impossible to build the house, - he told. – But deputies made the decision to wait for the court decision . Now it became known that on September 25 company submitted the counter claim on administration. Case will be considered from the very beginning. The question is tightened. We do not see sense to wait for it".

He noted that the initiative group contacted almost all deputies of the city (30 people) most well to inform to them the vision of a situation. "We met some deputies State Council Komi Republic who told that in a lobby of council of the city it is rumored that our initiative group lobbies someone's commercial interests, - Shtraler Stanislas told. – I will explain. Not all deputies treat the Orbit and watch a situation. Therefore we also met them. Thus neither blackmail, nor pressure upon them we did not put. We showed documents, parking plans, the plan of the square which can appear there".


"Such opinion, probably, arose because the deputy of council of the city Youri Aleksandrovich Sharygin expresses concrete interests of concrete construction group. The version concerning bias of initiative group appeared by analogy, - other activist Orbity, the journalist Shakhov Vitaly told. – As for that deputies of the city did not understand that wanted actually by locals … Yes, three-four persons did not understand, and the others perfectly understood that any communication meanwhile that occurs in court, and transfer of a site to number of green zones, no. These are essentially different questions. And deputies have the right and are obliged to define that in this territory will be under construction. But they roughly ignored the expressed opinion is clear and postponed a question under a cover-up".

the Vice-president of Association independent experts Komi Republic Andrianov Vladimir promised


"In this conflict clearly showed the person "United Russia" Party – she voted against the clear decision, - Shakhov Vitaly told. – But our will will not run low. However many court lasted, we will not recede. If this question is not submitted for the next session, it will be taken out on refernedum. But on it we also will bring up a question of, whether elections of deputies of the city according to lists are necessary to Syktyvkar. Because we are not familiar with these people. Now it is proteges of small and large businesses, the party bourgeoisie, which interests do not coincide with ours".

On meeting were remembered also by other stories connected with dot building: emergence of a mall of York in the Orbit, house construction near the house No. 115 down the street Lenina, future ZhK at children's policlinic No. 3 where builders actively buy up private sites, problems of neighbors - sport center construction on Vylgort's central square.


approved at the end the resolution of the following contents: "We, inhabitants Syktyvkar, do not agree with power activity in the field of social, ecological, transport and town-planning policy and are revolted with indifference of deputies to opinion of their voters. We demand to submit a question of the translation of a site on crossing of streets Tentyukovsky and Petrozavodsk of the zone Zh1 in the zone P5 for the closest meeting of council of the city with roll-call vote and regardless of trials on cancellation of contracts rent between Administration of municipal entity city district "Syktyvkar" and allsorts plus. Otherwise this question will be submitted for a city referendum. We demand to make changes to the general plan Syktyvkar, to include a site in the Orbit in the category of recreational zones. To provide preservation, restoration and development public recreational zones, having booked audit green zones of the city. To stop dot building Syktyvkar: standardly to fix a ban on sealing building, to develop rules for builders, having brought the matter on vote of council of the city. To stop mass building Syktyvkar shopping centers. To make the smallest unit of construction of houses quarter. At legislative level to fix the decision on issue of the permission for construction of houses only on condition of existence in the project of the well-planned territory, access roads. Playgrounds, parkings. Parking have to be equipped by the principle: one parking place on the apartment".

"Our initiative group will achieve further victories in this field. Not only in the Orbit, but also in all city", - Shtraler Stanislas concluded and declared meeting closed.

information appeared


*** at the end of 2016 in Syktyvkar that on a site near the intersection of streets Tentyukovsky and Petrozavodsk construction a guest parking, and then and the multi-storey building is planned . Inhabitants of the neighboring houses found out that the tenant of the territory in more than 9 thousand square meters is company "Assorti-Plus". It really planned to construct a guest parking on this place. Data on construction of a housing estate on this site were not confirmed .

in the Spring of 2017 a site fenced, works on parking arrangement began. Inhabitants of the neighboring houses became more active: several times they met on the street to state the protest and to collect signatures in favor of emergence on this place of the square.

at the end of April of inhabitants of the Orbit invited to a meeting with representatives of council of the city, the city hall and the builder. The people spoke against emergence of a parking – people are sure that residents of the next houses will not begin to leave there the cars. The majority supported idea of emergence of the square, some supported creation of social objects.

the Representative of "Assorti-Plus" noted that company honestly satisfies all conditions of contracts rent, and the people push administration to violation of the law, demanding to terminate contracts and to refuse the project which is included in the plan of developments the capitals.

These arguments seemed to

gathered the unconvincing. Following the results of a meeting inhabitants of the Orbit demanded to transfer a site from lands under a housing estate to the lands which have been taken away for squares (with guarantee to avoid emergence on this place of a high-rise building), to oblige "Assorti-Plus" to restore already dug over site and to include this territory in the improvement program.

Chapter Komi Republic Sergei Gaplikov at the beginning of May spoke in support of citizens and their initiative to construct a recreation area on this site. After that the city hall invited locals to a meeting where the mayor Valery Kozlov told that the administration appealed to the management of "Assorti-Plus" to terminate contract rent bilaterally.

in the middle of May in Administration of municipal entity city district "Syktyvkar" meeting of the commission on land use and construction which considered the translation of a disputable site from lands under inhabited construction (Zh1) in "a green zone" (P5) took place. All members of the commission voted for these changes.


of "Assorti-Plus" had to answer the city hall till June 5. All this time on a site works were conducted. The city hall declared that is ready through court to achieve cancellation of contracts rent. The answer from businessmen arrived on June 2. In it company suggested to postpone negotiations until June 26. The administration apprehended such answer as refusal, and on June 6 submitted claim to Arbitration court with the requirement to dissolve contract rent unilaterally. And on June 7 court temporarily forbade parking construction in the Orbit, and also to make any registration actions on a disputable site. Works were stopped, the equipment is taken out.

in the middle of June in the city hall public hearings where opinions both for the square, and for a parking were expressed took place . Defenders of the territory noted that the tenant of the earth and realtors paid people for participation in debate.

Despite requirements of "Assorti-Plus" Second arbitration appeal court in Kirove14 of August left to

in force the decision on a stop of construction works on a site.

Representatives of "Assorti-Plus" consider that point of the contract on which probably unilateral cancellation of the relations, it is insignificant and does company by weakness. Also they declared that because of administration actions possible losses of firm can reach 20 million rubles.

1724 inhabitants supported transfer of the land plot to a zone of thematic parks , against – 295 people . Question submitted for discussion of council of the city which did not begin to hurry on September 8 with the decision and postponed it until the court resolution . Thus the city hall Syktyvkar does not see hindrances for the translation.

the Following meeting had to take place on October 23. But now, when "to Allsorts Plus" submitted the counter claim, dates of meetings can change.