Simpson Jay went the lake out of prison

@Vechernjaja Moskva
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In 1994 Simpson was accused of murder of the wife

B Simpson Jay was accused 1994 of murder of the wife

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the Athlete served sentence for the armed robbery.

the Former star of the American soccer and O.'s actor Simpson Jay released conditional ahead of schedule from correctional facility in State of Nevada in which it spent nine years.

according to TV channel "CNN" , 70-year-old left a colony after pardon for the crime committed in 2007. Then O. Simpson Jay made attack on the seller of sports trophies, thus threatening it with the gun. He demanded to return its awards.


Orental Simpson James is known for

as one of the best defenders in the history of National football league and as the actor who has played a role the movie "Naked Gun". In 1994 Simpson James was accused of murder of the wife Brown Nicole - Simpson James and her friend Goldman Ronald. Then the criminal acquitted the athlete, however the civil was lost.

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