Honourable veterans in Syktyvkar became more

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: Nikolaeva Julia

the Opera and ballet theater Komi Republic invited veterans and pensioners Syktyvkar to a large-scale concert "Your years a placer".

In the capital Komi Republic celebrated on September 30 the 25 anniversary of the International Day of elderly people and bathed senior generations in podarkakh.




Eta the date which is traditionally celebrated during an autumn time - fine opportunity to tell the senior generation of the word of gratitude.


In a concert hall could be seen the only thing from invited the veteran of river fleet, workers Supreme Court of the Komi Republic, deputies, businessmen. And also the person thanks to whom near Syktyvkar school appeared tank.



Kak was marked out in the welcome speech by the minister of work, employment and social protection Semyashkin Ilya, in such day it is very pleasant to see so many people who have directed all the efforts to the republic." They sit today, smile, accept congratulations, - the minister told. - This day is celebrated in the republic from 1990th years and differently it got accustomed. Someone at first did not perceive it. But today this holiday - already the tribute and opportunity to meet people who made much and can make more many. I hope that your experience, your desire to help the city and the republic will be demanded".



Za the vigorous public work directed on the benefit Komi Republic, valuable presents of the head of the republic awarded the member of presidium of city council of veterans and the member of the commission on military patriotic education Mingaleva Zenaida, and also the chairman of primary veteran organization of the settlement Vyltydor Kadatko Anna.



Mer Syktyvkar Valery Kozlov thanked representatives of the senior generation for active living position, love to Syktyvkar and the republic." For me a great honor to congratulate you on Day of elderly people though, in my opinion, everything is relative, - the head of administration told. - Looking at you, in your eyes, any representative of younger generation can envy you. I for the first time saw today remarkable number of national ensemble of the dance "Grennis" and is delighted. With such gloss in eyes to sing, fervently to read verses, to defend the interests as you, everyone can not. Thanks that you do for the city, for your cheerfulness, for your creativity and love".


Valery Kozlov personally expressed gratitude to the head of veteran movement Pystin Vladimir. As the mayor noted, results of work of veterans everything are more notable every year.

the Certificate of honor of Administration of municipal entity city district "Syktyvkar" for long honest work, active work in veteran movement Valery Kozlov awarded the member of council of veterans of the capitals Komi Republic Gurmizova Tamara. Awarded thanked city authorities and the republics which help with work veteran dvizheniyu.



Blagodarstvennym the letter of Administration of municipal entity city district "Syktyvkar" and city council of veterans awarded heads of the companies who give sponsor's help to the elderly.


the Bishop RO Russian Orthodox church, the archbishop Syktyvkarsky and Komi Republic the Zyrian lord Pitirim reminded that on September 30 is a day Fedorova Vera, Zaytseva Nadezhda, Love and mother Sofia. The lord as the pensioner also is grateful two years to the republic authorities that allow to work further and to help the grandsons. By the way, the church pension comes in 75 let.



Yepiskop Pitirim wished to guests for centuries more belief, hopes and love and congratulated on day of wisdom.
the Vice-chairman of Council is proud Yvan Alekseevich Mikhalchenkov expressed to guests gratitude for an invaluable contribution to a development of the city: "Your achievements are achievements for years, and our task - to keep them and to increase. Thank you for knowledge. Everything will be empty at you well!"


the Letter of thanks of Council Syktyvkar for long-term public work in Council of veterans of the city Yvan Alekseevich Mikhalchenkov awarded the chairman of primary veteran organization MINISTRY ECONOMY KOMI REPUBLIC Ardysheva Jeanne, the chairman of veterans of "Komigrazhdanproyekt" Popova Victoria.




Lidera the hall welcomed veterans of the republic Pystin Vladimir

According to him, in the 20th century the world was not ready to population aging, then founded Day of elderly people. Today, in his opinion, position of elderly people becomes every year luchshe.



Pystin Vladimir reminded that today veterans have a great number of partners. To anniversary of the Great Victory within three years to veterans established gas meters on 700 thousand rubles. And this year sponsors allocated 650 thousand rubles for celebrations of Day of elderly people which will proceed also in October,



Ranks of the Honourable veteran Syktyvkar Erfeevskaya, the member of council of Public organization "Syktyvkar" Martynov Anatoly were awarded the activist from Ezhva Mingaleva Zenaida, thanks to it near Syktyvkar school there was a tank. And also activist of Oktyabrsky Avenue Zoya Sivkova, chairman of veteran workers of ZOA "Trikotazhbyt" Fedorova Vera and chairman of the veteran organization Mondi SLPK Tomilova Galina.


the Medal for labor merits awarded the chairman of the veteran organization CJSC "Komigrazhdanstroy" Rodionova Vasiliya. Medal for the help and assistance to veteran movement awarded the head "Zepter" Natalya Rubezhevich.




Otdelnoy of a medal the art director of the opera and the ballet Komi Republic Stepanov Dimitri and the deputy Zaytseva Nadezhda was awarded. This year more than seven thousand veterans visited theater.

the Two-hour concert took place

with the notice. After an official part of guests invited on furshet.


Nikolaeva Julia