Next victory. On a house platform "Gazprom Yugra" beat "Dynamo LO"

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Next victory. On a house platform p> Next house success. This time the Surgut volleyball club " Gazprom Yugra" overcame guests from Leningrad region.

All the matter is that the Surgut volleyball club " Gazprom Yugra" approached to a new season with a new weight. In literal sense of this word. The collective, according to a trainer's staff, got rid of all extra kilos. Now even it is jumped easier, players admit. Now among these almost two-meter giants there is nobody heavier than centner. In total, gas workers grew thin almost for 30 kilograms.

" Diet special: is less and to work more, here and all diet. Look as at us was in Soviet Union — there if see any fat person, well it only, probably, the person who is not absolutely healthy. All people were lean because worked hard, ate a little — here and all secret" — the senior trainer of club Zhbankov Ruslan shared. Gas workers dumped so-called excess freight — and now, according to mentors, can freely flit and sting on a platform of the rival. As showed once again in a match with " to Dynamo Lo". The club debuted in the Superleague only in last season, however at once proved to be adequately. Matches with Dynamo members were not lungs even for skilled gas workers. Well and this year the team also added structure with strong players. Very much guests tried to resist and this time — game dragged on already on five parties.

" Good game for the audience, for us heavy very much game was. At Chefranov Alexander good giving departed: I, frankly speaking, at all do not remember that so people on four Asa in a row gave — the good fellow, Chefranov Alexander! " — the trainer of gas workers noted.

By the way, the head coach Sogrin Oleg far back in the past played in the ranks of " Gazprom Yugra". And still with warmth remembers the Surgut club.

Rivals were rather interesting. Well, bad is not present in the Superleague therefore each game — is fight house Team always well plays, with enthusiasm — the viewer drives forward. With heat always I remember the years spent here, it is grateful to people who are at the helm — good fellows! It was interesting to play with you, we wait for you in Saint Petersburg" — Sogrin Oleg told.

Now in Surgut wait for the debutant of the Superleague — Petersburg " the Zenith". The club with the ambitious name was created only this year. Estimating completeness of team, experts consider it as the ambitious demand for success in the Russian championship. Match this Saturday in sport center " Premier-Arena".

Aladinskaya Anastasiya