At a round table discussed why in Voronezh state-private partnership poorly develops

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Representatives of the sphere of Household management company, officials and experts stated the points of view

Situation discussed at a round table.

the Situation discussed at a round table.

Author: Vostrikova Helena. Photo : author.

Now in the country state-private partnership (GChP) actively develops. The authorities delegate part of the work responsible business. In an ideal such companies work much more effectively than the unprofitable municipal enterprises.

Read also 15:27 to SegodnyaZhiltsam of complex DSK "Moscow Quarter" will forbid parking in the yards Here only to Voronezh region successful projects within GChP it is possible to count on fingers. Why at us similar cooperation does not develop and than such format of work is favorable, discussed on a round table "GChP as an effective way of improvement of the sphere of Household management company".

In a hall heads of the municipal enterprises, experts of Household management company, officials and lawyers gathered.

Investors do not cooperate

because there are no guarantees

the Only concession agreement in the sphere of Household management company the power of our city concluded about "RVK-Voronezh". Assets of a city water utility in 2012 transferred in concessions for 30 years. Since then passed 5 years — it is possible to estimate results of such form of cooperation: pluses and minuses.

Therefore the first the moderator pledged the word to the head "RVK-Voronezh" Nikolaenko Oleg. The head of a water utility told that the concession agreement in 2012 was unprecedented. At an economic forum to Sochi this concessions recognized as the best practice in this sphere.

"Unfortunately, today there is a wish to note that GChP do not develop with great strides because now investor often does not see a clear understanding of guarantees from the power" — Nikolaenko Oleg declared.

according to the head, everything is stopped because investor risks big money, and the authorities cannot give it real guarantees.

of EPSS — an example successful state-private partnership

On a round table remembered

successful activity of the enterprise which in a sense corresponds to concept of GChP — it is the Uniform financial settlements center of JSC EPSS <17> of housing and communal services Voronezh region". It was created at the request of the authorities that payments for a communal flat became more transparent, and by money owners of housing left to suppliers of resources directly, passing UK accounts. Among founders — Government oblasti and City administration.

the Company now serves about 270 thousand personal accounts, at it is more than 150 contracts with management companies and suppliers of resources. EPSS counts a payment for services, forms, prints and delivers uniform payment documents. Also financial settlements center conducts explanatory work with the population.

of the Vice-president of the commission on budget, to economy, planning, a tax policy and investments the Voronezh municipal duma and the head of EPSS Ruslan Lvovich Kochetov assumed that a target problem of the state and the region today — to move mechanisms of GChP to masses, to make them available for medium and small business.

"To the authorities teams of highly qualified specialists who will create conditions for stream favorable cooperation of the state and investors are necessary today to

. As it is fluently visible, while GChP well generally to only large corporations which take direct part in documentation preparation, quite difficult process. If officials are able to offer projects of GChP to potential investors that is called "on a turn-key basis", is sure, cooperation of a similar format becomes the frequent phenomenon and in our city. I think, stunning results could be reached in the sphere of improvement of public city zones" — Ruslan Lvovich Kochetov explained.

the Expert noted that just by the way recently in City administration there was a new structure – municipal state authority "Creation and Development Agency Control Systems of Design Activity" under the direction of Kaltykov Alexander.

"I believe

, this team could become the propeller of mass projects of GChP in cooperation with medium and small business in our region" — Ruslan Lvovich Kochetov told.

In the next areas risks of investors cover with

for the federal account

the Chief of the department of the head of the city district Voronezh Lotkov Igor cited as an example the next Tambov region. There concessions gained line character: more than 160 similar agreements are concluded already. Set of state-private boiler rooms heatings and hot water to houses assumed delivery.

However, there is a small cunning — our neighbors used support of Fund of reforming of Household management company. For the federal account co-financed projects — therefore to them actively there were private investors. It turned out that the fund covered their risks.

to Give

to concessions still plan "Voronezhteploset"

If to look at Voronezh, at us in foreseeable prospect to give to concessions the authorities MKP "Voronezhteploset" want more only. The head of department of work told about it with the municipal enterprises and autonomous establishments of Administration of the city district Voronezh city Malygin Aleksey.


A only profitable <13> Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Voronezh "City Electric Supply Company" it will be privatized, instead of it is given to concessions. For the present the destiny of the municipal Banno-prachechnoye company "Seagull" is not defined.

Ruslan Lvovich Kochetov
Last position: Deputy (Voronezh City Council)
Vostrikova Helena
Nikolaenko Oleg
Kaltykov Alexander
Lotkov Igor
Banno-prachechnoye company
Government oblasti
Government Agency
City administration
Government Agency