Renewable power to Saratov region: any more fantasy, but yet industry

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of News about triumphal development of renewable power in the developed countries of the world for many citizens of Russian Federation look messages from the parallel Universe. And it is not surprising: until recently to the huge Saratov region, whose territory is comparable to South Korea, it was impossible to see operating wind generators or solar panels. The federal authority supports construction of large wind farms and solar power stations, including in our region. But also taking into account it the relation to a subject of "green" generation in the country changes very slowly. Though for the province its development can have enormous value.

For years of existence of the USSR Saratov region was among the largest power donors of the country to whom remains and to this day.

As The Version — <23> Saratov news agencies in Regional ministry industries reported to

, annual electricity generation by the region enterprises (including such giants as the Saratov hydroelectric power station and the Balakovo nuclear power plant) averages more than 42 billion kW of hours. The area consumes only 13 billion kW of hours, that is, it is three times less, than develops.


Lamps with solar batteries on the Saratov route


In such situation about development of the renewable power (RP) it is seemingly possible for

Renewable power in the Saratov region: any more fantasy, but yet industry

of Development

Long-term lack of active interest to VE development in the region from the power and business did not avert from it local inventors and rationalizers. In different years on regional salons of inventions, and (a local format of specialized exhibitions) scientists of higher education institutions presented a set of ideas and initiatives in the sphere of renewable power, from models of wind-driven generators before installations on receiving bio - ethanol from a sugar sorghum and other agricultural cultures.

to the Majority of developers, unfortunately, did not manage to promote even to a prototype stage, without speaking about a mass production. But is in Saratov and positive examples.

A few years ago specialists of the small innovative enterprise LLC "Konversiya-SGU" developed own model of the wind generator." The three-blade wind-driven generators most widespread on the market give out similar power at a speed of wind from 11 m/s. Therefore we made a rotor in the form of five easy blades which develop current and at a light breeze. Besides, blades fasten behind the generator as an umbrella, it allows all system to be guided downwind automatically", - one of inventors Suchkov Dimitri told agency.

According to him, in the market there is a real demand for the 5-6 kW wind generators. They can find application, for example, at the gas stations located in a clean floor. Usually for them use diesel generators. Small wind-driven generators also can fit for providing repeaters of cellular communication, greenhouses, fisheries and other similar objects.

In December, 2013 to the innovative enterprise managed to receive a subsidy of Minekonomrazvitiya oblasti in half a million rubles for implementation of the project. These funds were allocated for development and creation of a prototype of the wind generator.

"2-3 copies were planned to make

. Protocols on intention were signed with 19 farms. But in 2014 in the country there were known events which led to ruble exchange rate falling. And, as a result, to an essential rise in prices for accessories and materials, - explains Suchkov Dimitri. - As a result for end at least one installation it was necessary to attract additional private . And only in July, 2015 wind generator installation with blades of a new design was made and put on field tests. This design is based on a know-how and allows to work at low speeds of a wind, from 3 meters per second".

2030 such landscape is promised

Renewable power in the Saratov region: any more fantasy, but yet industry. But it is not exact...

by words Suchkov Dimitri, interest in acquisition of wind generators is at one of the oil and gas companies which plans to develop autonomous complexes on highways with gas stations, the shops, HUNDRED and hotels. For electricity supply of such complexes which are especially remote from lines , some generators with a general power from 50 to 75 kW are required. That is, it is a question of creation of small wind farms.

Now the company finishes works on creation of installation of 10 kW which will possess unique automatic system of protection against a hurricane. In the long term such way of braking at a hurricane can be applied on wind generators with power up to 300 kW.

For development authors of the project use own means, from any funds they have no state support." Certainly, in the presence of financing we would promote further quicker, but it turned out as it turned out. The main events on wind generator statement we hope for production, will happen in 2018", - tells Suchkov Dimitri.

the Wind

One more project on wind power development in the region Arkady Evstafyev started JSC Investment Holding Energetichesky soyuz chapter JSC "Invest-Holding "Energosoyuz" Yevstafyev Arkady

Two years ago, in the summer of the 2015th, in fishery in Baltai district Saratov region were established the wind generators developed at Tolyatti Transformer plant (the enterprise is included into holding of the businessman).

It were SPIN5 model prototypes with height of a tower of 18 meters and blades of 2,8 meters long. The group of engineers led by Yevstafyev Arkady worked on development some years. The gondola, management case, the hybrid inverter and the converter of variable frequency, and also tower were made by own forces of plant. The exception was made only by magnets of the rare-earth elements, being a part of a rotor, and a stator.

the Innovation of a wind-driven generator is that in it there is no reducer. In a generator design engineers applied the electromagnetic bearing: two magnetic fields interact with each other, at the expense of it the shaft is suspended in air and does not concern the gondola case. As a result significantly the friction decreases and wear resistance of the mechanism increases.

Renewable power in the Saratov region: any more fantasy, but yet industry

How soon on streets Saratov will appear advertizing of wind generators - as in the cities Western Europe?

"Wind-driven generators fulfilled

two years and then were dismantled. We traced their work in real time. The big array of information which should be analysed is built, - Yevstafyev Arkady told The Version — <23> Saratov news agency. - Now our engineers make the careful analysis. We understood where there were miscalculations. But in principle prototypes even surpassed our expectations in the developed power. And we understand that we will be able to pass to a mass production. Year that engineers and designers understood that data file which we received is necessary to us, and made replacement of those parts of a design which demand it. Now we prepare the new car - we want to make by the end of the year the 35 kilowatts wind generator. It too will be a prototype. Let's start testing in the spring, too in Baltaye. And now the experimental solar station which has been completely developed by staff of our enterprise there works for us".

Planning of the wind farm

Single wind-driven generators and small wind farms can work with

for a network or work only for the owner. And here at the large-scale wind farms to which emergence the federal government a few years ago attended, initially the objective is electricity generation in a network, as well as at hydroelectric power stations habitual today, by the nuclear power plant and TETs.<"105>"

at the end of 2013 the federal center approved the scheme of territorial planning of the country in the field of power till 2030. According to it for these years in Russian Federation there have to be 16 wind power plants. Saratov region was decided to build the wind farm "Central Volga" in Voskresensky rayon. The declared power in 1000 megawatts is comparable to the power of one block of the Balakovo AES.<"106>"

Future the Saratov project call holding" Open joint-stock company "Federalnaya gidrogeneriruyushchaya kompaniya - RusHydro"". Why the national giant in the field of hydrogeneration considers for himself interesting wind power? Three years ago, making comments on our edition this question, the representative" on Open joint-stock company "Federalnaya gidrogeneriruyushchaya kompaniya - RusHydro"" called some reasons. Including, support from the state, high degree of factory readiness of wind power installations (thanks to which one crew can mount on the average two stations in a week) and opportunity for the company to expand activity volume for many years forward due to involvement of own repair and service structures to service and operation, design - to design, construction — to installation.

By preparation of this publication we took an interest in

in" Open joint-stock company "Federalnaya gidrogeneriruyushchaya kompaniya - RusHydro"" - whether the company started implementation of the project of the Saratov wind farm (investigation, researches, etc ) so far? And whether there is the understanding, what enterprises of Russian Federation will make wind installations for future object?

Open joint-stock company "Federalnaya gidrogeneriruyushchaya kompaniya - RusHydro" refused to make comments on The Version — <23> Saratov news agency a wind farm subject "Central Volga", and also other questions on renewable power, without having explained the reasons.

the Head of Power Union holding Yevstafyev Arkady notes that the declared wind farm will be difficult to be built at least because while in the country in general there is no own production of wind generators and accessories. And for creation of object with a power of 1000 MWt it is required to establish one and a half, and even two hundred powerful generators.

the State as it was already spoken above, is ready to support new objects of big power financially. And for this reason, by the way, to head development of "green" generation in Russian Federation the largest players of the energy market solved, including even State corporation "Rosatom". But rigid requirements to providing level of localization of the equipment for new power are stated in standard documentation. That is, to build solar stations and wind farms, counting on state support, follows with use of domestic cars and the equipment. For wind power generation, in particular, the indicator of localization increases from 25% in 2016 to already 65% in 2019.

Thus, in the country it is necessary to create in fact also own industry on release of wind generators and other equipment, and it is a complex and expensive challenge. Whether so there will be a wind farm "Central Volga" to Saratov region by 2030, while difficult to tell.

the Sun

according to experts, in the winter sunshine duration in our region averages 30-80 hours a month. In April and September — about 220-230, and July — to 350. Practically all areas Zavolzhye approach under use of solar energy on heating.

Solar power stations in the territory Saratov region precisely will be. More precisely, now is.

A year ago, in the summer the 2016th, in Pugachevsky district Saratov region was solemnly given start to the beginning of construction of a solar power station (SES). On September 26, 2017 it officially brought into operation .


Renewable power in the Saratov region: any more fantasy, but yet industry

the project the Avelar Solar Technology company acts. It is included into Hevel group of companies." Hevel", in turn, is joint business of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GROUP OF COMPANIES "RENOVA" (51%) and JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSNANO" (49%). Now "Hevel" belongs already some solar power stations in Altay, to Republic of Bashkortostan and Orenburg region. For the objects the company releases solar modules at own plant in Novocheboksarsk (Chuvash Republic).

Under the agreement with Government oblasti Hevel Group will construct in the region three SES with a general power of 45 MWt and the volume of about 4,5 billion rubles. Construction of one more station, Orlovo-Gaysky in Yershov district, too began. In the Hevel company to agency reported that it will be put into operation until the end of the year, and the second turn, 10 MWt, will construct in the 2018th.

"At a choice of regions for construction of SES estimate set of factors: insolation level, existence of the suitable area, possibility of technological accession and presence of consumers. To Saratov region rather high level of insolation, and the platforms picked up by us by all criteria approach under SES construction", - the deputy director general of Hevel Group Usachev Anton told agency.

As were reported by The Version — <23> Saratov news agencies in Oblastnoy Minprom, with branch Public joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company Volgi" - "The Saratov distributive networks" the agreement on technological accession of power plant to PS-110/35 of kV is already reached." Pugachevsky SES will be to give all developed electric power to the high-level network, from where then it will be already distributed between consumers Saratov region. By the same principle other solar power stations in the region" will work also, - Usachev Anton explains.

According to him, requirements for localization of the equipment and accessories on Pugachevsky SES are carried out. But production of the Saratov industry there is not present. Possibly, local plants have nothing to offer the new VE-industry. Also it is one more subject, the noteworthy Oblastnoy Minprom and local production workers.

Renewable power in the Saratov region: any more fantasy, but yet industry

according to Business-vektor agency, in 2021-2022 to Saratov region there have to be three more solar power stations, including in Algayskom and Dergachi district.

Organic chemistry

Saratov region, with its big territory and a various environment, has powerful potential for development of renewable power. And not only in construction of wind and solar power stations.

the Agriculture of the province develops waste in million tons. In the Saratov woods it is full of old wood, and in other territory there is enough straw, a cane and other similar good for production of fuel granules (pellet). While all this is demanded by business extremely poorly.


As it was reported earlier, in the region works to one and a half thousand installations developing heat from electricity. They are located generally on objects of a social sphere which are removed from the central . Such way of costs much to . When replacing electroheating by pelletny coppers total expenses decrease to two times.

Attempt of The Version — <23> Saratov news agency to find out, what budgetary organizations in our region already passed

to pelletny coppers and renewable power, was not crowned with success. Whether


Work with

Renewable power in the Saratov region: any more fantasy, but yet industry objects which use VIE? If yes, that how many them where are located? On what balance of the organizations there are lamps with solar batteries with which road bridges and routes in the territory Saratov region are equipped? In response to these specific questions the head "Increase agencies uses of a property complex Saratov region" Mr. Fedechkin for some reason reported to edition data on construction of solar power stations of Hevel Group, and only.


One more direction of development of VE are hydroelectric power stations on the small rivers, after all hydroelectric power stations too use a renewable natural resource - water. In former times such objects in the region worked, but now from them there were, mainly, memoirs. whether

there is at" Open joint-stock company "Federalnaya gidrogeneriruyushchaya kompaniya - RusHydro"" interest to hydroelectric power station construction on the small rivers of area? Whether the region territory has potential in this regard? Whether any researches were carried out by someone? Whether there are in Russian Federation producers of the equipment and equipment for creation of small water-engineering systems?

of The Version — <23> Saratov news agency Open joint-stock company "Federalnaya gidrogeneriruyushchaya kompaniya - RusHydro"" tried to receive answers to these questions in". But there from any comments as it was already spoken, for the unclear reason refused.

B 2013 the cooperation agreement signed JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "NORD GIDRO" — the operating hydrogeneration company from Saint Petersburg ". JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "NORD GIDRO" to Saratov region is conducted by employees rekognostsirovochny examination of places of possible placement of objects of MGES. As the perspective two MGES on the Khopyor Rivers and Medveditsa are chosen. Now the assessment of technical and economic indicators and possibility of construction of data of MGES" is conducted, is specified still on a company site.

Renewable power in the Saratov region: any more fantasy, but yet industry


the Agency appealed in the Ministry of Industry to report how these projects develop." Unfortunately, at the initiative of the company communication with it is lost now. Other offers in the field of development of small hydropower in Government oblasti did not arrive", - wrote from department.


Many while are inclined to consider renewable power only as one more way of generation. However experts already now say that we are in the beginning of huge transformation of power branch as a whole.


in new system will play an important role for a number of reasons. With their emergence there is that is called as the distributed generation. Instead of vertical model with huge producers (like the nuclear power plant, the new appears mega-hydroelectric power station and combined heat and power plant). In it which can change within a day the status from the energy generator for the consumer and back will work a great number of suppliers, including absolutely small, like separate households and even. In combination with essentially new opportunities of accumulation and energy storage in which development now huge money worldwide is invested, it will change all habitual way in the majority of the countries.

energy" will appear

as a result as experts predict,". According to the formulation of the term it is possible to present approximately that means if with energy there is the same that happens to information on . The number of producers, sellers and intermediaries will constantly increase in this scheme, and the small manufacturing consumer will be able to sell the electric power from the roof, a wind-driven generator or from the accumulator directly to the same ordinary consumer through new distribution systems and transportations.

in the federal center approved Past summer the plan for microgeneration stimulation on the basis of VIE with power up to 15 kW. Surplus of developed energy owners of objects, including the population, will be able to dump in a network. And the guaranteeing suppliers (GS) will be obliged to redeem these volumes, and the income will not be taxed. By data newspaper "Kommersant" the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Economics and Federal Antimonopoly Service have to prepare the draft of the relevant law by January. Drafts of government resolutions on the simplified technical accession of microgeneration to a network and GP work with the population - by April, 2018.

it would Seem to

, "process went". But experts are sure that while early to wait for the explosive growth of VE in households, as to Germany and United States of America, where installation of solar panels on roofs of houses — favorable business. In Russian Federation it is possible only in process of depreciation of and growth of cost the centralized .

Anyway, the renewable power bears in itself a charge of important ideas which for our country while are much more significant, than everything that is connected with ecology.

First consists that use of allows to receive the electric power and warmly there where electric, gas and thermal networks do not reach. Available wind-driven generators and solar panels are capable to inhale life in many "backwoods", including to Saratov region.

the Second idea consists that small private objects of VE will allow their owners to find independence. From dictatorship of networks, long tiresome coordination, the high prices of connection and any additional , from constantly growing tariffs, theft of , universal "losses in networks" and other problems.

Sale of surplus of energy in a network - it is probable, not the close future for Russians. And monopolists while "did not run up" to leave client base. It, including, it is possible to explain that fact that at the level of ideology the renewable power in our country still has no support. The top officials periodically make loud statements about firmness of positions of hydrocarbons. And "the private power" for business, farming, development of rural territories is not among priority attention of the power, society and business.

But ideas of independence and development by citizens of Russian Federation the own country after all are too good and viable not to work. So potentially at renewable power in our country the big future.