Experts: Puerto Rico threatens financial crisis

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Puerto Rico threatens the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico financial crisis. As reports information agency "RIA Novosti" with reference to the Latin American mass media, this not incorporated organized territory dependent on United States of America, can soon turn into "the Caribbean Greece" regarding economic problems.

Puerto Rico over the last ten years grew twice and reached 65 billion dollars that corresponds to 93 percent of gross domestic product of this territory, and the economic recession which has begun in 2008 (with a break in the 2012th) will proceed and in 2014. Unemployment rate in October made nearly 15 percent that is twice higher than indicators of the United States of America.

of the Problem Puerto Rico are studied now by specially created group of the American experts. According to them, the situation on this small island in the Caribbean Sea develops is pessimistic, especially against population flight from stagnating economy.

Meanwhile local authorities disprove possibility of the announcement of a default. The governor Alekhandro Garsia Padilya declared that performance by the island of all obligations is "a moral imperative for its government".