Questions discussed information security at scientific and practical conference in Tuva

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Questions of information security discussed at scientific and practical conference in Tuva

in the House of Government of the Tyva Republic took place Today scientific and practical conference "Providing information security in the state and municipal information systems. New threats to society".

Participants became heads and specialists in information security of executive authorities Tyva Republic, territorial structures of federal authorities, municipalities and the organizations.

Conference takes place for realization of a state policy on providing information security, and also for development of measures for improvement of system of providing information security in Tyva Republic. Gathering of experts takes place in a conference format the third year in a row, seminars began since 2010.

About need of strengthening of protection against cyberthreats, substantial increase of stability of all elements of infrastructure, a financial system, public administration were told in the Message to Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on December 1, 2016.

About providing information security in the state and municipal information systems were told by Shchelkachev Yvan from Management of Federal service on Tekhnichesky and to export control on Siberian Federal District. It should be noted that to maintaining Federal Service for technical and export control, including, belong questions of ensuring safety information in systems to information and telecommunication infrastructure, counteractions to foreign intelligence technical services in the territory of the country. The principles of ensuring information safety are based on requirements of the federal legislation in the field of information security, standard and methodical documents VSTEK.

the representative took part In conference work in Tyva Republic TUSUR, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "TUSUR", FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "TOMSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITY SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION OFFICE I RADIOELEKTRONIKI", TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION OFFICE AND RADIO ELECTRONICS" Mikhaylov Nikita. Popularity of training in the direction" information security" increased that confirms separately removed faculty of safety in TUSURE. It was created in 2014 by association of all directions in the field of information security. Creation of faculty is caused also by need of the state for experts for ensuring confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.

Receipt demands good knowledge not only of technical subjects. So that to arrive on specialization" information security the automated systems" the entrant needs to have not less than 229 points in an asset. These are cumulative points on mathematics, informatics and ICT, to Russian. But graduates will be able to develop model of possible threats, control systems of information security the automated systems. The special attention is paid to the special training consisting in studying and development of systems of safety of business and management of enterprise risks. For already working experts courses of professional retraining on information security and administration of special systems are offered. By the way, not all HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS have the right to carry out such work. Programs of retraining have to be coordinated about Federal Service for technical and export control.

during conference touched such subjects, as the Concept of development of system of technical information security in Tyva Republic, results of the analysis of vulnerability of public information systems RT executive authorities, methods of protection against modern cyberthreats, changes in Law "About Personal Information". Topical issues discussed in a format of "a round table".

Krom of representatives Federal Service for technical and export control and TUSUR, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "TUSUR", FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "TOMSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITY SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION OFFICE I RADIOELEKTRONIKI", TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION OFFICE AND RADIO ELECTRONICS", speakers of conference became representatives of companies the developer of means of protection of information of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "POZITIV TECHNOLOGIES" in Siberian Federal District, groups of companies "the Side of Safety" (Novosibirsk), companies the developer of means of cryptographic information security JSC "InfoTeKS" in Siberian Federal District.

In the second half of day, within conference there took place practical competitions on work with information means of protection from unauthorized access. 22 experts participated in online testing. As a result, the best results showed Nachyn Maskyr from RT Ministry of Fuel and Energy, Saaya Belek from Ministry Tyva Republic for justice , Tumat Albina, the representing Ministry informatizations and RT communications, Mongush Chayzat from Medical information and analytical center Ministry health care and social development Tyva Republic.

It is remarkable that this year conference took place in anticipation of Day Internet to Russian Federation who is marked out on September 30.