Krasnoyarsk landowners got acquainted with experience of Tomsk producers
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the Delegation of agricultural producers Krasnoyarsk territory visited Tomsk region. Regional landowners headed by the chairman of committee on affairs of the village and agro-industrial policy Legislative Assembly Zyablov Sergei got acquainted with experience of the local enterprises.

the First point became a livestock farm LLC "Sibirskoye Moloko".

"This company — the leader of dairy animal husbandry in area. It has 13 thousand hectares of the areas. The farm is constructed on modern . Here the flying structure is made of a glued bar, the pure tree is used. Very interesting project. In August opening of the first stage of construction of a complex on 400 heads of KRS took place. Total cost of the project of 680 million rubles, the enterprise has big plans. The authorities Tomsk region do not stand apart. In the region measures of state support of agrarian and industrial complex are developed: funds for investments of are compensated, favorable conditions for producers " are created — Zyablov Sergei noted.

the Trip proceeded visit of "The Siberian nut company". The chief Department of Social and Economic Development of the Tomsk region Cherdantseva Irina told that the enterprise is an important link in processing of wild plants of the Western and Eastern Siberia. Here are engaged in processing not only nuts, but also berries. Also on the company account production of halvah, jam, jams and a lot of things drugoye.

Sleduyushchey a point became JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "DUBROVSKOYE". The economy exists since 1993. Main types of production: plant growing, and meat production. The head of economy — the deputy Legislative Duma of the Tomsk region Sergienko Gennady admitted to the colleagues that the youth reluctantly goes to work in agrarian sector. Zyablov Sergei told that in Krasnoyarsk territory local landowners face the same problem.

"This enterprise is interesting by

emphasized. — In economy updated herd, restored food supply and surely look in tomorrow".

In Pudovk's village Krasnoyarsk landowners visited SPK "Belosok". In 2014 there began work a hi-tech farm. Here nearly 3 thousand heads of cattle contain. Following the results of last year production made nearly 8 thousand tons. Total cost of the project of 219 million rubles. Deputies during visit noted the European standard of production and the standard of work.

"Tomsk region is at the width of ours Eniseysk district. In Krasnoyarsk territory it is considered to be that at this width there are no prospects of development of agriculture. Thus residents of Tomsk show high efficiency in production of meat, and grains. In this regard at Krasnoyarsk agrarian sector huge unsolved potential. Let's work" — Zyablov Sergei emphasized.

during a trip landowners looked at

as to Tomsk region in modern greenhouses grow up vegetables, greens and flowers. The delegation visited LLC "Trubachevo". The total area of the closed soil makes 4,6 hectares, the agrofirm is included in the five of leading hothouse farms Russian Federation.

the deputy governor met delegation Krasnoyarsk territory Tomsk region on agro-industrial policy and environmental management Knorr Andrey. He noted that Tomsk agricultural producers watch closely work of the colleagues from Krasnoyarsk territory.

"Behind each successful project stand system and people. In our region to questions of agriculture of the power pay close attention. We position our area as the territory of northern agriculture. To go in for meat animal husbandry and cultivation of vegetables, wheat under our conditions not easy. It is important to note that residents of Tomsk attentively study experience of other landowners. Only for the last four years our experts visited 14 Russian and foreign regions" — Knorr Andrey noted.

the Chairman of committee on affairs of the village and agro-industrial policy Zyablov Sergei on behalf of all members of Krasnoyarsk delegation thanked the authorities Tomsk region and local agricultural producers for warm welcome.

"For us it was very useful trip — he told. — We know that the enterprises of area realize production of wild plants for the sum of 1,7 billion rubles. The region reached good results in plant growing. We under impression of visit of greenhouses LLC "Trubachevo" and the livestock enterprise "Bialystok" where it is planned to open the perinatal center for calfs. We saw that the regional authorities support initiative people. The purposes are defined, and the area renders state support that leads to notable results. Here employment issues are resolved, conditions for involvement of people and in agrarian sector are created. The special attention to Tomsk region is given to questions of comfortable work in the village. Krasnoyarsk citizens gathered for themselves a lot of useful information which will be used in our work".