"PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM" — Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra" won a victory over "Samotlor"

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the Basic victory over the neighbor from Nizhnevartovsk the Surgut volleyball club gained " Gazprom Yugra". On a house platform the team won against " Yugra Samotlor". And it was necessary to prove the advantage to residents of Surgut in five parties.

Derby neighbors - Surgut and Nizhnevartovsk — it always show. At the first game of two old and irreconcilable rivals — the notice. Came to support " Gazprom Yugra" even the mayor Vadim Nikolaevich Shuvalov. Tens fans of Samotlor arrived from Nizhnevartovsk. And guests, despite the old competition of two clubs, did not stint compliments to residents of Surgut.

And here according to a trainer's staff, gas workers only in search of mutual understanding. All because not so long ago at once some residents of Surgut supported the national team Russian Federation. So the team literally before a season was understaffed and met full structure. Still time is necessary to test abilities of colleagues and to the new conductor of team — to the Serbian binding Mikhaylo Mitich. Among its achievements — Champions League silver, participation in the Olympic Games, but all this was with other collectives. In Surgut the player starts everything from scratch.

" We are very dissatisfied with explained " Gazprom Yugra" Zhbankov Ruslan.

Well, and fans already christened the new captain young Rodichev. As well as the previous leader, Ursov Kirill came to " Gazprom Yugra", it is possible to tell, absolutely " green", almost in 22 years. And only in Surgut the player debuted in the Superleague — the most prestigious Russian championship. And now to this perspective doigrovshchik entrusted to be the captain.

House victory over " Samotlor" can be considered safely as a gift to birthday of the head coach and the founding father " Gazprom Yugra" — Khabibullin Raphael who the day before celebrated the 55-year anniversary. Well, and the following game of gas workers this Wednesday. On a house platform the Surgut club to meet team from Leningrad region — " Lo's Dynamo".

Aladinskaya Anastasiya