Zavolzhtsa checked literacy

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Participants of a total dictation in the Ekho center radio station "Ekho Moskvy". Photo Guseva R.

In the heading "National Poll", dated for Day of literacy, our readers noted that has to write by rules everyone. Zavolzhtsa level of literacy checked on September 8.

In lyceum

For pupils of the 7th and 9th classes of Zavolzhye lyceum there took place "The best gramoty". According to the official site of educational institution, it is the best of all 11 ninth-graders coped with difficult test from 39 and 5 seventh-graders from 33.

Among the 9th classes a place shared Korotkova Paulina, Osminin Dimitri, Baklanova Tatyana, the second — Romanova Catherina, Sirotkina Paulina, Helena Telkova, the third — Sokolova Darya, Semensizov, Veselova Svetlana, Kryuchkova Darya and Mezhakova  Anna.

the Best among seventh-graders of steel Vier Kirill and Menshchikova Darya which won first place, the second – at Belyaeva Valeria, the third – at Belikova Alena and Vinogradova Varvara.

the Dictation for lyceum students prepared Shmelev Ye. D., the teacher of Russian and literature.

" the Russian grammar, the competent colleague, the proofreader in the Slavic Philology magazine, correspondents arrive to the station, Old Russian chroniclers, written language, the director of Publishing house "Prosveshcheniye", Ostrovsky's play "Girl without dowry", skillful artists miniature painters, the French writer Hugo".

Ask somebody to read to you it, and write down it from dictation. How many mistakes you made?

At Esiplevsky school

the Interesting actions devoted to the International day of literacy, took place for pupils of 1 — 6 classes and in Esiplevsky school. About it it is reported on a site of educational institution.

B 1 and 3 classes (Spiridonova M. A.) Dunno on a visit came. He spoke a literacy role so: "Competent to be good, and illiterate it is awful! If not to go to school, it is possible to become absolutely unfortunate! " The wise Owl congratulated children on Day of literacy, acquainted with proverbs about spelling, held "Experts on Russian", and then children visited a lesson at Malvina. At the end the results are summed up, the game "We Answer with Chorus" is held.

In 2 and 4 classes (Myznikov V. V.) children heard

organized with children the game "Grammatical Fight". In the 2nd class Belikova Veronica, and in the fourth – Rumyantsev Danil became the winner.

For pupils of 5 — 6 classes (Lebedev Ye. I.) were held by

event "Linguistic tournament". Teams of boys and girls passed some stages in a game form: "Who quicker? ", "Correct errors", "That there is behind a rebus", "Oh these little girls", "A linguistic marathon".


In the youth center

could Write a total dictation in Day of literacy all zavolzhets in the youth center radio station "Ekho Moskvy" could do. The text about forest fires for four adults and seven teenagers was read Kruzhenin Ye. S., by the teacher of the Center of additional for children. Participants of a dictation showed quite good results.

Kurganova Svetlana

Helena Telkova
Last position: Director of development and realization of services of JSC Gorseti
Guseva R.
Korotkova Paulina
Osminin Dimitri
Baklanova Tatyana
Publishing house "Prosveshcheniye"