Gromov Aleksey: The Ukrainian people were and remain for Russian Federation brotherly

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Yesterday the deputy administrator of the Kremlin administration Gromov Aleksey commented on the statement of the president made the day before Dmitry Medvedev for those who did not understand it or did not want to understand.

In particular, for the head of the secretariat of the Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko Ulyanchenko Vera which also is registered in the management not using in Ukraine as special popularity of pro-presidential "Our Ukraine" Party (has a rating about 3%). Viktor Yushchenko did not express yet: deliberates over the answer on holiday. While for it it made Ulyanchenko Vera, having burst in the angry message to Dmitry Medvedev. Then in the Kremlin decided to dot one's "i's" and cross one's "t's".

"Aggression is not present

and there cannot be a quiet and verified ascertaining of the fact, the policy of the present President of Ukraine", - Gromov Aleksey declared. He called all it is interesting to whom to esteem what exactly was told by the Russian leader to address on a site President of the Russian Federation, instead of to be engaged in free interpretations. He specified that this message was sent to the address of the Ukrainian leader and anybody more.

according to the deputy head of the Kremlin administration, "the relation President of the Russian Federation, our country to the Ukrainian people, the Ukrainian state exclusively valid, warm, brotherly". He urged journalists to pay attention that in performance Dmitry Medvedev several times were told about it.

So, President of the Russian Federation notes that "for Russian Federation Ukrainians from time immemorial were and remain not simply neighbors, and fraternal people for which we will always have the most good feelings with which we are made related by the general history, culture and religion, unite close economic cooperation, strong related, human communications". Dmitry Medvedev calls the management Ukraine "to value this neighborliness, this wealth which is besides the general competitive advantage in the being globalized world".

"The task of responsible statesmen consists in to giving in to a temptation to quarrel our people for the sake of whose that was geopolitical projects or political career, and in every possible way to protect friendship of Ukrainians and Russians, to strengthen the cooperation base to mutual benefit and in interests of prosperity of our countries. Is inadmissible to put the centuries-old relations on heavy trials to please to a momentary environment, inspiring in younger generations mutual not goodwill, playing on nationalist complexes", - the Russian leader explains.

In the video blog Dmitry Medvedev also says that at Russian Federation with Ukraine "not simply neighbour's, and as it is considered to be, the brotherly relations". And they should be valued, regardless of actions of a number of the Ukrainian politicians. The Russian leader is sure that "not far off" that time when Russian Federation and Ukraine again become strategic partners.

For now Viktor Yushchenko continues the anti-Russian policy, Moscow will not send the ambassador to Kiev. Will wait, the management will not be replaced yet, and it can already occur in January.

Dmitry Medvedev
Last position: Vice-chairman (Security Council of the Russian Federation)
Gromov Aleksey
Ulyanchenko Vera