Belogorsky district wants "to become related" with the South Korean district County of Haenam

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The Belogorsky area wants
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Belogorsky district Amur region County of Haenam South Korea intends to conclude the agreement on the twinning relations with the district. So, the district delegation visited recently Belogorsky district.

Yu zhnokoreysky guests visited a farm "Horta" of Lukyanovk's village. Farmers of South Korea, engaged in cultivation of cattle of meat breed, buy from the rural farmer rough forages, and also fodder grain – oats and barley, the press service of administration Belogorsky district reports.

"The purpose of work of South Korean delegation of businessmen – to estimate, at what level is observed cultivation of crops what are applied fertilizers, that is environmental friendliness of bought raw materials, – Inyutochkin Denise marked out chapter Belogorsky district. – Besides, at a meeting the agreement on an exchange between our municipality and the district County of Haenam experience in the culture and agriculture sphere within the agreement on a pobratimost which we plan to sign soon" is reached.