Why "forest amnesty" to Russian Federation "started slipping"

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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from the moment of the announcement to Russian Federation "forest amnesty", establishing an order of delimitation of the private land plots which are crossing with lands of forest fund, passed month. Conscientious owners of lands acquired the right to bring the plots out of "forest" lands. However practice of application of the new law showed that officials on places or do not have enough explanations from the federal center, or they simply did not manage to understand the document and treat the law proceeding from own representations.

Questions, for example, arose regarding "granting of amnesty" of lands of the agricultural and industrial function adjoining on the wood. In the law it is stated that such site cannot be issued even on "forest amnesty" if on it there are no registered real estate objects. Besides, the law does not work in case of farmlands if the supervisory authority received reliable information about operation of this site with violation of the Russian laws or at all to destination. Here, according to certain experts, also there is an opening for owners of sites: and what if confirming data, what the earth is used not for designated purpose, simply is not present? Then, leaves, to the land user (even owning the earth illegally) a direct road under "amnesty"?

If to treat the law thus, there is a danger that the considerable part of territories will be brought out of forest fund. At a stage of preparation of the document fears sounded that the statutory act will legalize raider captures of the earth near megalopolises. By estimates of the chief researcher of Institute of forestry and mechanization of forestry Strakhova Valentine, today in our country about 42 million hectares - the so-called collective-farm woods. It when was a field with corn thirty years ago, then it threw, and on a place of corn pines with aspens grew. In due time, by words Strakhova Valentine, such lands instead of putting on the state account as earth of forest fund, left behind agricultural enterprises, but those so and did not use them.

42 million hectares zanimayut "collective-farm" lesa - the thrown fields, na which grew derevya

However, one of authors of the law, the head of Committee State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on natural resources, property and the land relations Nikolaev Nicholas, insists that to the Russian woods threatens nothing - opportunities for abuse of "forest amnesty" are minimized." The earth of agricultural and industrial function can really get under "forest amnesty". But only if the plant there is already constructed or the crop kept up. And another story altogether with sites which empty stand. Owners of illegally seized territories or received with violations of the forest legislation should defend the rights only through - the obligation of Rosleskhoz is stated in the law to submit against such owners", - explains Nikolaev Nicholas. He also reported that for behind possible offenses in State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the special working group where representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development, Rosleskhoz, Federal Registration Service, Audit Chamber and the State Office of Public Prosecutor entered was created. It will carry out performances of the law and no later than December 1 of the current year will present results. Nikolaev Nicholas added that citizens can report about all cases of raider captures of lands of forest fund through a site Lesnayaamnistiya.Rf .

But sense of the law in that not through to defend the rights in this question, and by means of new norms. The deputy administrator of Federal Registration Service Yelizarova Galina reported that Russians did not join yet actively in process of "granting of amnesty" svokh "forest" sites. Today inhabitants of 17 regions used new norm only. The greatest activity was shown by citizens Irkutsk region, Pskov region and Chelyabinsk region. Experts pay attention that "block" of owners of disputable territories is directly connected with that authorities on places and cadastral engineers often refuse application of new norms, referring not a mechanism ambiguity. In this regard the Ministries of Economic Development were prepared and transferred an explanation for regional officials.

Nicholas Petrovich Nikolaev
Last position: Chairman (Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on natural resources, property and Land relations)
Galina Yelizarov
Last position: The deputy head, the inventory and cartography – the deputy chief state registrar of the Russian Federation (Federal Registration Service)
Strakhova Valentine