Federal Agency for Tourism has no information on victims of the hurricane "Maria" Russians

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"We are in touch with the situational and crisis center the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and we watch a situation" — she told.

B RST (RST) to a portal "Interfax Tourism" reported that to those countries which were mentioned by "Maria", there do not go the organized Russian tourists, and individuals if is, it is not enough.

the Hurricane "Maria" created in the Atlantic Ocean, by Tuesday reached the maximum fifth category of power. Speed of a wind makes 260 km/h.

the Raised level of danger because of a cyclone declared in Region of Guadeloupe, Dominica, Saint Kitts, Nevis, Montserrat and Region of Martinique.

On the night of September 19 the hurricane reached coast of the island of Dominica where there live about 72 thousand people. The authorities declared storm warning.

Region of Guadeloupe began population evacuation in connection with danger of floods and earthquakes. According to forecasts of weather forecasters, the hurricane will fall soon upon two main islands Region of Guadeloupe — Basse-Terre and Gran-Ter. Threat extends also on the Caribbean islands Saint Martin and Saint-Bartelmi who already suffered earlier from the hurricane "Irma".

On one island, Region of Martinique, to locals the houses recommended not to leave

. Brunt of the disaster also expect to Puerto Rico which considerably suffered earlier as a result of the hurricane "Irma".

Earlier the powerful hurricane "Irma" fell upon the Caribbean islands and United States of America. It during the longest time kept the highest — the fifth — category of power on Saffira-Simpson's scale. It seriously damaged tourist infrastructure Cuba, State of Florida and many islands of the Caribbean region.