The arbitration to Far Eastern Federal District will help businessmen with the questions demanding internal check – the lawyer

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Arbitration to Far Eastern Federal District will help businessmen with the questions demanding internal check – the lawyer. Photo: Balashov Anton
Commercial arbitration will work with for Asian and for the Russian businessmen cooperating with Asian partners of by

Far East office of the arbitration center at INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "ISA" in Vladivostok which works with internal and international disputes, will help businessmen with the questions demanding internal consideration. About it reported on Monday, September 18, the chairman of the board of the Russian-Chinese legal society Alexander Molotnikov at the Russian-Chinese forum "Moscow-Beijing: trade and economic and cultural cooperation on a silk way" , transfers the correspondent of regional news agency "AmurMedia" (Moscow).

"The body on commercial arbitration will work as

with the Chinese businessmen, it both investment banks, and usual banks which could carry out center "advertizing campaign" among the clients and also increase possible number of arbitration reservations in the corresponding texts of . Also the center will work for the Russian businessmen who interact with Asian partners" — Alexander Molotnikov noted.

According to him, the main feature of the center is that in it will be both the Russian arbitrators, and Asian." It will be possible to choose this or that panel of arbitrators to which businessmen will trust. Work of the center Far Eastern Federal District will be convenient when internal trial in various questions" is required — the lawyer told.

"We plan

that work of Far East branch will dynamically take place in Vladivostok. Also I hope that soon the similar center will open in Irkutsk" — Alexander Molotnikov concluded.

Before regional news agency "PrimaMedia" wrote that the Far East office of the center possesses all necessary opportunities for high-quality administration of arbitration, including the modern rooms equipped with means of audio — and video conferencings. Any documents relating to arbitration, can be given now not only to the main office of the Arbitration center in Moscow, but also directly in Vladivostok. Soon the Arbitration center is going to approve also base of specialists of Far East office which arbitrators from the Far East region, and also the Pacific Rim states Asian and Pacific Rim, interested in participation and consideration of disputes within Far East office will enter.