Amnesty for the tough guy. Ryspaev Damir was going to play hockey?

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the Tough guy from Ustinka

Ryspaev Damir was born

since youthful years saw hockey a little differently, than the majority of his contemporaries and instead of trying to become the next brilliant graduate of one of the best hockey schools on the former Soviet Union, Ryspaev Damir chose a thorny road of the hockey police officer.

Having become more senior, Ryspaev Damir got to the Astana "Barys's" who was already acting by that moment in KHL system, but for the time being played only for "Barys" — 2 in the championship Kazakhstan yes for a youth team "Snow Barsa" in superiority of MHL. Already then the young player was engaged on ice in more makhaniye fists and an earning of penal minutes, than direct duties of the hockey player, but about Ryspaev Damir began to speak, and it was the main thing for Ryspaev Damir.

it is surprising that despite continuous zero in columns of productivity and the extremely negative indicators of usefulness, Ryspaev Damir in 2013 participated in the junior World Cup in the B1 division as a part of the national team Kazakhstan. In games for a national team Ryspaev Damir forgot about the hooligan reputation, in five meetings earned only two penal minutes, and also opened the account to goals at professional level. Besides, Ryspaev Damir together with the national team Kazakhstan won that tournament.

But transformation Ryspaev Damir were temporary, in the next season which it spent again between MHL and the championship Kazakhstan, Ryspaev Damir was engaged again on ice generally in that sent rivals and earned reputation of future main tough guy in the Russian hockey. It is interesting that by that moment when contemporaries Ryspaev Damir already very much knocked at the doors of the main teams of the regions, Ryspaev Damir at all had no continuous role on ice as came to a platform with one purpose for which performance it was not required even the minimum skills of the defender or the forward. Ryspaev Damir did not gather points, regularly left the team in minority and in general seemed out of place in leagues where with it nobody had neither desires, nor opportunity to carry out equal fight.

By that moment when contemporaries Ryspaev Damir already very much knocked at the doors of the main teams of the regions, Ryspaev Damir at all had no continuous role on ice as came to a platform with one purpose for which performance it was not required even the minimum skills of the defender or the forward.

However, it did not worry the most Ryspaev Damir a little which since the childhood had no idols in the hockey world, but was pleasant representatives of single combats Aleksandr Karelin and Tayson Mike. Ryspaev Damir simply received a high of that rode on ice and directed horror at opponents. Did not confuse the special status of the hockey player and clubs where Ryspaev Damir acted. Any team Ryspaev Damir precisely knew that the opponent will not risk to play dirty, but also Ryspaev Damir drew attention and did show. Therefore the call in the youth national team Kazakhstan in 2015 already surprised nobody Ryspaev Damir again was as meek as can be and earned the second gold at national level.

the Opened Andrey Nazarov a door in KHL

But hardly Ryspaev Damir really pleased with

gold medals of the national team, KHL where Ryspaev Damir could check really on durability the fighting spirit was its purpose. It is not known, the young fighter of the chance waited at Shayanov Andrey or Ari Pekka to Celina, but Ryspaev Damir it was lucky – "Barys" in the summer of 2014 were headed by Andrey Nazarov who simply could not pass by such brilliant. The former tough guy, scandalous Andrey Nazarov, perfectly knowing how to make show out of the blue, began to involve Ryspaev Damir in games in KHL, but the only task Ryspaev Damir was a boxing duel on ice.

Should recognize that unlike the well-known tough guys of "Hero", Ryspaev Damir first, acted always alone, and secondly, never attacked from a back and in general tried to fight only with large hockey players who were already marked out in operations. So, the first fight carried out to KHL Ryspaev Damir.

a Debut fight in KHL the young Kazakhstan citizen lost

began to grow promptly. About it began to speak and write much, and Ryspaev Damir showed ability to maintain interest to. Through the press Ryspaev Damir called on fight Artyukhin Eugenie, brought in a notebook for violators of the following victims and said hello to Sobotka Vladimir. In parallel Ryspaev Damir continued to fight, in the list of his opponents appeared Timkin Eugenie, Menshikov Vitaly, Perkovich Nathan and, certainly, Artyukhin Eugenie.

Tot a duel turned out one of the most spectacular in the history of KHL, young Ryspaev Damir again adequately looked against the experienced fighter Artyukhin Eugenie, and Andrey Nazarov for certain remained is happy how his ward looked in this fight.

In general, Andrey Nazarov became not only the conductor Ryspaev Damir in KHL, but also the real godfather Ryspaev Damir in hockey. Not so important, in what way, but Ryspaev Damir thanks to Andrey Nazarov could be fixed top-level, became demanded, and even when the trainer went for increase in SKA, Ryspaev Damir continued to support "Barys" and to bend the line, and after return Andrey Nazarov to Astana Ryspaev Damir even began to be attracted in the national team Kazakhstan. At Ryspaev Damir, as well as at his mentor, always was a set of negative responses, however they on couple did excellent show which gathered on many times more viewings, than the most beautiful goal of a season.

Dismantling with "Kunlunem" and unprecedented punishment

For the time being Ryspaev Damir supported the reputation of the honest fighter and was not let in frank dirt, but the slippery road tagfy after all brought it to disqualification. The first call for Ryspaev Damir sounded in January, 2016 when Ryspaev Damir in game with "Vanguard" roughly attacked the defender of residents of Omsk Michal Kempna.

Ryspaev Damir hit with

, and caused rough negative reaction in the hockey public. Ryspaev Damir and Andrey Nazarov tried to justify this incident by retaliatory operation for Kempni who at the beginning of game almost injured Dous Naydzhel Paul, however this message was suppressed by a discontent rumble from outside "Vanguard" and the league which has written out Ryspaev Damir of five matches of disqualification, and the president of KHL Dmitry Chernyshenko reflected on regulations toughening.

Unlike the well-known tough guys of "Hero", Ryspaev Damir first, acted always alone, and secondly, never attacked from a back.

It was the first really dirty act Ryspaev Damir, and after it Ryspaev Damir is expected faded into the background to calm the worrying masses. It returned to the championship Kazakhstan, went with a national team on a world championship in Moscow where, however, did not hold any game, and then went to army, having had an opportunity to take part in competitions during service.

the Next season the hockey player was going to carry out

owners accepted "Kuenlun Shan" which only just was a part of participants of league, and Ryspaev Damir got to the demand for this game. The reason – in the last match between these teams the leader "Barysa" Boyd Dastin broke a leg after rough violation and left for long term. Andrey Nazarov and Ryspaev Damir could not leave from punishment in any way, and it turned out impressive.

"Barys's" Tough guy one behind one put out of action practically all five of the Chinese club, and then "Kunlunya" who are on a bench tried to attack alone other players. The trainer of beginners of league Yurzinov Vladimir the Jr. did not estimate effort Ryspaev Damir and took away the team from the platform, attacking "Kunlunya" Martsinko Tomash got to hospital, and KHL for a start forbade Ryspaev Damir to participate in other early matches.

However, was clear that this measure – only instant reaction which demanded additional trial. Meeting on Ryspaev Damir took place in 10 days, and as a result of it KHL passed the unprecedented decision – to impose termless sports corporate disqualification on the hockey player.

of Such severe punishment the Canadian tough guys of "Hero" who were regularly arranging a lawlessness on ice, and Ryspaev Damir is caused by that Ryspaev Damir attacked "Kuenlun Shan" — the beginner of league, the big joint project China and Russian Federation, urged to spread hockey in Heavenly Empire. Ryspaev Damir accorded absolutely inhospitable welcome to the Chinese club, went counter with the program of development of KHL and for it received according to the full program.

Amnesty from KHL


Right after this solution of KHL "Barys" declared intention to fight for disqualification cancellation, and Ryspaev Damir wrote the written address to Dmitry Chernyshenko. Despite it, Damir passed last season of KHL Ryspaev Damir for "Nomad". As a part of this team Ryspaev Damir forgot about fights and especially about dirty provocations, for all championship gathered only 41 penal minute and helped the team for the first time in the history to become the champion Kazakhstan. Yes, few times during the season news that Ryspaev Damir threw out the captain of "Alma-Ata" for a board came or incidentally applied power reception against the judge, but all this were quite admissible game moments. Ryspaev Damir, at last, proved to be as the hockey player and even threw very beautiful washer in one of matches.

All this

in total with prescription of violation Ryspaev Damir allowed KHL to reconsider the position on disqualification and to begin work on amnesty Ryspaev Damir. Now it is authorized to it to play month VHL, and in case of adequate behavior of the hockey player to it will allow to return to KHL.

Ryspaev Damir, "Barys" and federation of hockey Kazakhstan fought the whole year for the sake of adoption of such decision, and hardly someone has doubts that Ryspaev Damir will not bear this month, remained to it before return to elite of the Russian hockey.

"Barys's" Tough guy one behind one put out of action practically all five of the Chinese club, and then "Kunlunya" who are on a bench tried to attack alone other players.

But many can have a logical question: and why it is necessary "Barysa" and the most Ryspaev Damir? Probably, Ryspaev Damir simply started missing the atmosphere of KHL and general media exposure and at the first opportunity will give vent to the fists. And Ryspaev Damir made too much for creation of the image – but even if Ryspaev Damir is going to return only to frighten "Barys's" rivals, it will not be arrangement violation. Fights in KHL happen and without Ryspaev Damir, and disqualification Ryspaev Damir was directed on dirt and cruelty eradication in our hockey.

If Ryspaev Damir will return as the tough guy, all from it only will win. The hockey player will do favorite thing, "Barys" will receive the strong security guard, and the league becomes even more attractive to the fans loving show on ice. But if Ryspaev Damir starts also playing hockey, this instructive history for the player it becomes valid the fairy tale with the happy end.