In Vladivostok there was a commercial arbitration

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In Far East office can be considered internal and international arbitration disputes with participation of the Russian and foreign sides


Vladivostok, Primorye24 news agency. The arbitration center at INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "ISA" opened the first regional office – Far East office in Vladivostok.


In Far East office internal and international arbitration disputes with participation of the Russian and foreign sides can be considered.

", For example, corporate can be resolved some disputes by private order through arbitration institutes. For this purpose the special public organizations which have got permission of Government of the Russian Federation work. Activity of the similar arbitration courts is regulated by the legislation", – the secretary of state – the deputy minister specified Russian Federation on development of the Far East Volkov Pawel.

Services Far East representation of Institute of modern arbitration the Far East companies, investors from the countries Asia and other parties for which the Far East region is a convenient place of arbitration and carrying out oral hearings can use br.


As commented in the Arbitration center at Institute of modern arbitration, the Far East office possesses all necessary opportunities for high-quality administration of arbitration, including the modern rooms equipped with means of audio-and a video conferencing. Any documents relating to arbitration, can be given now not only to the main office of the Arbitration center in Moscow, but also directly in Vladivostok.