"You - on a first line" - Alexander Lukashenko demand from the leaders of regions of the solution of social problems

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on September 14, Minsk / Matveev Vladimir - BELTA/. President of the Republic Belarus Alexander Lukashenko demands from the leaders of regions of the solution of social problems. The head of state declared it today, coordinating appointment of new heads of a local power vertical, the correspondent reports Belarusian cable agency "Belta".

Large powers, but also special spros

Prezident focused attention that requirements to heads of executive committees of regional level constantly increase and at the same time with it they acquire more and more broad rights. The example of it is harvesting of this year.


"Only, in a national way I will tell, - you should not work with governors and with others by the principle "he is a chief, and you are a fool". It should not be. You actually the people appointed by the President. Nobody can you discharge of a position, to be engaged in any other questions without the permission of the President. That is you have solid indulgences, solid cover from the President, - Alexander Lukashenko declared. - But, of course, and demand from you will be special. Be able this opportunity to use somewhere to object, express the opinion if you see that is necessary so, instead of differently to make".

"You have to be not silent performers though the performing discipline is very important. You are heads of the major links of our state. How you will work, level of discipline and wellbeing of our state" will depend, - the Belarusian leader emphasized.

It added

"All of us today chiefs, and tomorrow - simple people"

"Do not act rashly. Time always the difficult. But now especially, when it is necessary to define with whom to work. I am the supporter of that you always gave chance to the person if he wants to work. No - means, do not tighten time. Select to yourself people with whom you can realize the tasks facing you", - the President advised.

At the same time he once again emphasized with


About employment

the Head of state emphasized that nobody cancelled the requirement of the decree No. 3 which in the people nicknamed "the decree about parasites"." It will be your document. You on a place have to define who does not work for you, and has to work, and force all of them to work. In it there will be the main essence of the document. Not from Minsk it is necessary to operate these processes", - Alexander Lukashenko told.

"You have to

) to understand. That's all solution of a question. Then they will not go and shout "hubbub". Someone should be helped, someone should be brought by a hand for work, to reorientate someone, to train in new specialties, and it is simple to incline someone, - the Belarusian leader noted. - You know that it for jobless that it for the contingent, I too know, I remember from Soviet period. Therefore employment - a question very important. People should offer work, to create workplaces".


of O

Prezident reminded of a task of increase in average to one thousand Br1. "When we will reach this level, we can quietly tell any person from 10 million: we helped you that you could eat and a family to feed, well and further already strain and work. We, of course, will not be aside, we will help, support. But it is the major question", - Alexander Lukashenko emphasized.

About the prices

the President focused attention to need situations in the pricing sphere." You have to see - start up it people you will inform, your controlers, connect labor unions (they very effectively do it). They will prompt to you", - Alexander Lukashenko "Told. You warn all who at you is engaged in sales, and then, having received information, check and remove to someone the head if it unreasonably lifts up the prices", - the head of state added.

as a whole the President advised to approach


"It that excites our people - wage chamber, pricing and work. But the main thing is a work - to give the chance to the person to work and earn", - the President summarized.


About tools of management of rayonom

Alexander Lukashenko it is convinced that the tools in the form of the auxiliary organizations thanks to which they will be able effectively to realize these or those decisions are simply necessary for the head of the area." I do not see the area without "Agricultural machinery" (strong repair base), "Selkhozkhimiya", "Rayagrosnab" (who provided with spare parts and other ) and oil depot. If somewhere did not restore, it is necessary to finish these processes urgently. We will pay it a close attention, - the head of state told. - And then, what for the chairman of district executive committee if it has no small company which can carry out any building? These are construction PMK. We already had them. And we practically in all areas restored them. And here is how they work is a question".

"That is you are owners. You have to have at hand a tool which you, operating, will be able to resolve issues in the area and, maybe, to render and in other areas, earning any kopek", - the Belarusian leader


Alexander Lukashenko also separately he commented on a situation in the majority of the areas, which heads coordinated on the corresponding dolzhnosti


Prezident noted that in this area very beautiful places and personally he loves this town, considers that this place where it is convenient to people to live. "I plan to visit Loyev, and we already there specifically will discuss some questions of his development though in due time we made for development of this town much. This simply wonderful place to Belarus, one of the most beautiful", - was told by him.


the Head of state plans to arrive with a business trip and to this area. "Somehow all it was impossible but even if not in it, next year surely is one of the first areas which I am simply obliged to visit", - Alexander Lukashenko noted.

It noted that in the district solid works are carried already out, and charged to continue the begun." It is necessary to bring the city into a normal look and essentially to be engaged in production, especially agriculture. The area good, but it has to be not in a tail and at all in the middle", - emphasized Belarusian lider.


Alexander Lukashenko took an interest in a state of affairs in the area, and in particular implementation of the large-scale project on construction of plant on production of sulphatic bleached cellulose on the basis of JSC Svetlogorsky TsKK which opening is planned for November 7.

the President emphasized with

. I am certainly simply obliged to arrive at this time, to open this enterprise and to look as it will work", - the head of state told.

It charged to the new head of the area to penetrate into available problem points and to report on ways of their decision.


according to the President, the state of affairs in the Borisovsky area directly influences a situation to Minsk Region as a whole." Understand the responsibility in this regard. Orsha is a pilot project. Perhaps, because I know this region as a whole and this region for us the most difficult better. We therefore undertook it. In parallel it is entrusted to the government, all country to be engaged in the Borisovsky region, Baranovichsky. Perhaps, Molodechno … Time came to be engaged in these regions. Therefore it would be desirable that you began the work with it, - Alexander Lukashenko charged. - It, certainly, not Orsha with those problems which there are, but also in their Borisov is a lot of. Something you even are similar".

Chervensky and Krichevsky

"These areas - both Chervensky, and Krichevsky - very important, especially Krichev because there after all level of the industry is high. Cherven it is simpler than subjects that there are no such big problems. But they everywhere and always are", - the Belarusian leader noted.

Alexander Lukashenko also paid attention that Cherven is close to Minsk ". It is sure that population inflow there (to the Chervensky area. - The comment Belarusian cable agency "Belta") will increase because we narrow housing construction in Minsk. And people felt taste to the village, to the nature. It concerns also Borisov, and you, both Smolevichy, and Smilovichy. Turn on this attention - there has to be an order", - the President told.

the Postscript from the head of state

"Should simply be stirred up and start working with

systemically, accurately. Perhaps not all of you at once will apprehend in the area. Have patience, it is not necessary to go regardless of obstacles. We have sensible people, clever, and if they see that the good head, they always will understand and will support. I wish you all success", - Alexander Lukashenko addressed.

Alexander Lukashenko agreed to appointment Gorbachev Andrey the chairman of Buda-Koshelevsky district executive committee, Baykova Veronica - the chairman of Loyevsky district executive committee, Poluyanov Victor - the chairman of October district executive committee, Aleynikov Dimitri - the chairman of Svetlogorsk district executive committee, - the chairman of Borisovsky district executive committee, Karpovich Nicholas - the chairman of Starodorozhsky district executive committee, Kozlov Vitaly - the chairman of Chervensky district executive committee, Bochkov Dimitri - the chairman of Krichevsky district executive committee.

Alexander Lukashenko
Last position: President of Republic of Belarus (President of the Republic Belarus)
Dimitri Aleynikov
Last position: Chairman (Svetlogorsk city Regional executive committee)
Gennady Ivanovich Dengalev
Last position: Vice-chairman (Mogilyov regional executive committee)
Matveev Vladimir
Gorbachev Andrey