The new scene will appear at Corner of the Grandfather Durov theater

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The Corner of the Grandfather Durov theater will have a new scene At theater "The corner of the grandfather Durov" will appear a new scene. It will construct to the address: Durov Street, possession 2. Construction works is planned to begin this year.

The scene will take place in the two-three-storyed building with a total area of six thousand square meters. Four thousand of "squares" will be occupied by the land part, two thousand — underground. In the auditorium there will be 450 places. Also in the building equip horses and other animals actors enclosures. The exact number of rooms becomes known after development of the project.

As were reported by the head city Department of construction Bochkarev Andrey , since 2011 in the capital 23 objects of culture were open. Among them the building the Moscow state academy of a water color and fine arts Andriyaki Sergei , State budget cultural institution Moscow "Moskovsky theater p/r O. Tabakova" , a complex of buildings of musical theater State budget cultural institution Moscow "MMT "Gelikon-opera" , the Moscow city Children's music school a name Gnesinykh , Children's music school S. V. Kalinnikov's name , GBUDO OF THE MOSCOW CITY "CHILDREN'S ART SCHOOL NAMED AFTER I. F. STRAVINSKOGO" , Children's music school S. I. Taneev's name .

Information and a photo from a portal of Official site government Moscow.