At a festival of documentary cinema "Flaertiana-2017" to Perm will present 150 movies

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Perm. September 13. INTERFAX-VOLGA REGION - Organizers of the XVII International festival of documentary cinema "Flaertiana-2017" expect that it will collect about 20 thousand audience this year and becomes the largest for all history of existence of a film festival, "Flaertiana's" president Pechenkin Pawel at a press conference on Wednesday reported.

"We wait for

on a festival 124 guests from abroad and from other cities Russian Federation, it is the largest festival for all history of existence of "Flaertiana". We hope, as the number of the audience will increase and will come nearer to 20 thousand", - Pechenkin Pawel told.

It added that the program of a festival consists of 150 movies.

according to the chief coordinator "Flaertiana" Stabrovskaya Alina, the competitive program of a festival traditionally consists of three blocks: international , national "the Russian Flaertiana" and student's .

the Out-of-competition program includes programs of other festivals of documentary cinema, special displays and retrospectives.

"Directors participate in the competitive program, whose names are known worldwide: Lazarevsky Georgy, Gelena Trzheshtikova who will submit the movie "History of Matrimonial Life" which was shot of 35 years. Reznikov Yefim, Ganshina Anna, Golynkin Eugenie - honored Russian documentary film makers", - Stabrovskaya Alina reported.

It is especially pleasant to

that each movie national "the Russian Flaertiana" this year will be personally submitted by directors, she noted.

"That is, at our audience will be opportunity to ask questions to authors of all movies national which concern the movie to talk to them about the cinema concept, process of shootings or simply outlooks on life", - Stabrovskaya Alina explained.

Besides, at a festival the creative meeting with the chairman of the international jury of "Flaertiana", the writer and the historian Yuzefovich Leonid will take place.

Feature of a festival of this year became the new international project "Flahertiana Forum".

Within this action directors documentary film makers will be able to defend the projects before the commission of experts, producers and . In particular, specifies the organizing committee, the commission will include representatives from France, Latvia and Germany.

"It not and not competition, is a platform for internal meetings of directors and potential (. . ) Within preparation 29 projects from Russian Federation and the countries of East partnership - Azerbaidjan, Belarus, Georgia and Armenia were selected. There are also three projects from Perm: the movie Averkieva Olga "Sadoyagodnoye", the Wood project Zhuravleva Irina and "My personal dragon" Mila Kudryashova", - was noted by the Flahertiana Forum <9> project coordinator Anastasia Alypova .

One more feature of a festival this year becomes Stupeni movie theater opening. It will settle down in the foyer of the second case of the Perm state university (PGNIU). Also it is planned to show movies open-air.

"When the festival will end with

, the movie theater will continue to work. It is our contribution to infrastructure of leisure of the Perm students, we hope that next year we in other higher education institution will make the same platform", - the curator of a festival "Higher education institution-Flaertiana" Beresnev Vladimir reported.


Earlier it was reported that in 2017 of the demand arrived from 772 directors. From the arrived materials 15 movies for national and 15 - for international are selected.

the Flaertiana Festival will take place

to Perm from September 15 to September 21 for the 17th time. For the first time it took place in 1995 and till 2006 was carried out every two years.

2006 the festival finally passed

B into the status of an annual international festival of documentary cinema with the international jury and jury of the international federation of the film press (FIPRESSI).

Krom of the international review, hold national "Russian "Flaertiana" where the movies shot in the territory Russian Federation are submitted.

Prizes are awarded by

in six nominations: the Grand Prix for the best movie of a festival, a prize for opening of new subjects and new heroes, for the original art decision, for the best movie national "Russian "Flaertiana", for the best student's movie and a prize of spectator sympathies.

the Prize fund makes 500 thousand rubles.