In Lithuania for a month arrested the detainee on border with Kaliningrad region the man

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In Lithuania the court for a month arrested the detainee on border with the Kaliningrad region the man Photo
: russian version of portal "DELFI"

In Lithuania for a month arrested the man detained on border with Kaliningrad region. About it reports Delfi with reference to BNS.<"12>" to

"It is known that the person crossed the river to Sheshupa and it was in the territory of Lithuania. He called itself(himself) the frontier guard, told that got lost. The man was drunk — 1,8 per milles. It had no documents" — the Minister of Internal Affairs Eymutis Misyunas told.

Incident happened on September 9 between the cities Jurbarkas and Sakiai. the Russian was detained by frontier guards of the Richishksky outpost.