"Migitsko Anna ": grandsons for Dobrovolskaya Eugenie

@Magnitogorskij Metall
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What to do on pension active and in the prime of life to the woman? Certainly, to be nursed with grandsons! And if grandsons are not present?

generally to become the grandmother to the heroine of the comedy melodrama "Migitsko Anna " it is necessary to put a lot of effort. The premiere of the film will take place on TV channel "TVTS" on Friday, September 15, at 17:40.

the Superprofessional in the business and the rare workaholic Zubets Anna (Dobrovolskaya Eugenie) appears on pension. Having thought over life on deserved rest and the desires, she suddenly realizes that most of all she wants to nurse grandsons. However to wait for such happiness from the only son Oleg (Nekrasov Grigory) will turn out not soon: the guy all free time stays behind game in the computer … It seems, Oleg has a girlfriend by the name of the Oriental cherry (Svetlova Varvara), but trouble that it virtual. And once the Oriental cherry for the period of departure from the city asks Oleg to shelter from itself her daughter Ella (Fedotova Vasilina). In the house Zubets Anna is glad to the child, but the neigbour Irochka (Dulova Anna ), long ago in love with Oleg, sincerely worries: she is sure that Ella - the native daughter of the guy about whom anybody did not know before. Everything gets confused even more when Oleg has a new girlfriend Diana (Migitsko Anna ). It absolutely upsets Irochka …


- For me it is the movie about the first love, about the first fears and a trepetnost of the first feelings, - Dulova Anna , the performer of a role of Ira speaks. - That it is not necessary to be afraid to meet the love. My heroine - sincere, naive and very modest girl. And to the happiness Irochki's way is difficult. After all even when after metamorphoses between Ira and Oleg, at last, the novel begins, Migitsko Anna opposes the relations of the son with the neigbour.

… Indignation of the woman clearly: Ira - Sonya's daughter (Suvorova Catherina) to whom the ex-husband Zubets Anna Timur (Reznik Wladyslaw) left.

- With Dobrovolskaya Eugenie at me was not so many general scenes. But during them I tried to remember its councils and professional helps, - Zubets Anna continues. - And still I for the first time acted together with the classmate Nekrasov Grigory (actors in 2016 finished SPBGATI, a course Cherkassky Sergei. - Comment of the author). Shootings took place in St. Petersburg on Petrogradka in ancient apartments. All the time of work on the movie on a platform there was a positive and pleasure atmosphere. And in one of the last film-making days scene shootings where zarevanny Irochka is consoled by her stepfather Timur were coming. This scene was an impromptu. So it happened that for it urgently it was necessary to look for a new place of shootings. The director Boguslavskaya Anna walked the neighboring streets, looking after suitable object. Behind Music hall on a pier on descent to Kronverksky Canal she became the witness of a scene as to the girl crying on a pier, sitting having lowered feet down, the man approached, started it calming. So in our movie there was just the same scene. Only instead of the girl on a pier I sat, and Reznik Wladyslaw calmed me.

A still I for the first time acted with the baby. On two-month Eve the choice fell first of all she is very similar to me. The most ridiculous that in the movie only one shot where we appear together: on a plot to the room the grandmother Zubets Anna looks and sees us two sleeping, - Dulova Anna smile. - So doubles were silent. In breaks between shootings Evochka smiled and laughed much. But me, despite a movie comedy, it was necessary to shed a tear more than once. While my heroine achieves the happiness, she should suffer and cry much. During shootings of one of such tearful scenes the chamber took a close-up of my tear-stained face. It was necessary to remove as on a cheek the tear slowly flows down. All some doubles I honestly squeezed out so many tears, how many it was necessary. That-that, and I am able to cry in a shot. (Smiles)


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